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*Oannes - Greek rendering of the Sumero-Babylonian god Ea, because of his connection with waters sometimes depicted as half man, half fish. In daytime he lived with men to instruct them in the arts and sciences, but at night he returned to the depths of the Persian Gulf.

*Oanomochi - The god of the crater of Mount Fuji.

*Obarator - The Roman god of ploughing.

*Oblivio - Roman goddess of forgetfulness, daughter of Nox and Erubus.

*Obumo - African thunder god. Creator of all things and supreme deity.

*Occator - The Roman god of harrowing.

*Oceanids - from Greek mythology, were the nymphs of the great ocean, the daughters of Oceanus and Tethys. There were well over 4,000 of these oceanids. They were sometimes shy, but at other times they were passionate lovers. Most of the time nymphs were kind to mortals, but they sometimes punished people who mistreated them. In the forest, nymphs were represented with fauns and satyrs. You could sometimes find oceanids playing around the keels of ships. Nymphs lived for a long time, but they were usually not considered immortal.

*Oceanus - Greek deified stream which encircled Gaea and was the source of all water. Was the father of all the water deities by Tethys. Eldest of the Titans.

*Ocypete - "The Swiftwing". One of the three Harpies.

*Odin - "Father of the Gods". Norse (Scandinavian) god of death, poetry, wisdom, magic and war. With his brothers, Ve and Vili; he created heaven, earth, and the twelve realms. They also created the first humans, Ask and Embla. Odin was known to be treacherous and deceitful to man. He would turn on man with or without reason. Odin symbolizes creativity, divination, oracles, prophecy, luck.

*Oenghos Mac In Og - "Lord Of Love And Death". Celtic (Irish).

*Ogdoad - The name of eight Egyptian deities who were especially worshipped in Hermopolis in Upper Egypt. They form the basis of the creation myth. The Ogdoad consist of four gods and four goddesses who together personify the essence of the primordial chaos before the creation of the world. They are Nun and Naunet (the primordial water), Huh and Hauhet (infinite space), Kuk and Kauket (darkness), and Amun and Amaunet (representing hidden powers). From themselves they created the mound upon which lay the egg from which the sun god emerged. The gods of the Ogdoad are represented as frogs or with the head of a frog; the goddesses in the shape of a snake or as a woman with the head of a snake. Their cult centered on the town of Khemnu (Greek Hermopolis) in Middle Egypt. They also had a sanctuary at Medinet Habu in western Thebes.

*Ogma - A great Celtic (Irish) warrior god often associated with Heracles. Patron god of scholars and eloquence from Gaul. He invented the runic language of the Druids, the Ogham alphabet. His name means "sun face". Married Etain. Symbolizes image and poppet magic, incantations, charms, health, eloquence, genius, inspiration, language. Also known as Ogmios.

*Ogmios - The Celtic patron god of scholars and personification of eloquence and persuasiveness. It is he who invented the runic language of the Druids. Ogmius escorts souls on their journey to the after-live. He is represented as an old man, with a bald head, and dressed in a lion skin. His attributes are a bow and stick. He was worshipped in Gaul (Celtic France). His Irish counterpart is Ogma.

*Ogyruan - The Celtic god of bards. Father of Gwenhwyar.

*Oho-Kuninushi - A Japanese deity from Kitzuki who rides at night on a bronze horse. His name means "The Landowner".

*Oho-Yama - The Japanese great mountain god. Father of Iha-Naga and Ko-no-Hana.

*Ohonamochi - A Japanese god of the earth.

*Okitsu-Hiko - Japanese kitchen god.

*O-Kuni-Nushi - Japanese earth god, associated with sorcery, cunning, self-realization, and medicine.

*Olivier - Demon. Cruelty & Avarice. Once an Archangel, Olivier now encourages mortals to be cruel and insensitive to the poor. His adversary in Heaven is Saint Lawrence

*Olokun - African goddess, sometimes a god, of the sea. Portrayed with a coral dress and mudfish legs, with lizards in both hands.

*Olwen - Celtic (Welsh) goddess of flowers and springtime. Also symbolizes love.

*Omacatl - "Two Reeds". The Aztec god of feasts and joy. He is considered to be an aspect of the god Tezcatlipoca. Maize effigies, representing the god, were eaten at his festival. The rick worshipped him the most and it was claimed that if guests misbehaved at festivals, the host could invoke Omacatl and make the guests ill.

*Omecihuatl - An Aztec creator goddess. She is the wife of Ometecuhtli.

*Ometecuhtli - "Two Lord". The creator god, god of fire and the highest god of the Aztec pantheon. He is the lord (or androgynous master) of duality and of the unity of the opposites. He had no formal cult and no cult center, but he was deemed to be present in every ritual and in all things in this world.

*Onamuji - A Japanese earth god. He is the son of the storm god Susanowo.

*Onatha - Iroquois goddess of wheat and crops, similar to the Greek goddess Persephone.

*Oneiroi - The Oneiroi are the personified deities of specific types of dreams such as nightmares, sexual dreams, etc. They were thought to dwell on the shores of the Ocean in the extreme west. True dreams issue from a gate of horn, while deceptive dreams issue from a gate of ivory. The most important one is Morpheus, the god of dreams. His brothers are Icelus, Phobetor and Phantasos. At his command, they sent forth the various shapes that appear in the dreams of humans.

*Oneiros - In Greek mythology Oneiros was one form of the god of dreams (the other being Morpheus). Oneiros was properly a personification of dreams, whether idle or deceptive or really prophetic. Dreams of the former class were supposed to issue from the ivory gates, tliose of the latter class from the horn gate, of the palace where they were kept, beside the Western Ooeanus. He was called a child of Night, sometimes a child of Sleep, and was directly under the control of the superior order of gods, who, as they pleased, despatched deceptive or prophetic dreams to men.

*Oni - Japanese demons who look like humans except that they have three eyes, big mouths, horns and sharp nails. They fly around and seize the souls of wicked persons on their deathbeds. To expel these demons, annually the oni-yarabi ceremony is held. Once the sage Nichiren ("sun-lotus") saw the oni at work in the scourges of his time: enemy invasions, earthquakes and eclipses. He attributed the evil to the sinfulness of his Japanese contemporaries, so he founded a special school of Buddhism to reform the people.

*Onuris - The Greek form of the Egyptian god Anhur.

*Ophion - Literally, "serpent". One of the Titans. In one tradition, Ophion and his consort Eurynome reigned over Olympus until they were dethroned by the younger generation of gods. He was cast in the Tartarus by Cronus.

*Ops - Roman goddess of agriculture, harvest, fertility, abundance, childbirth, human growth, and prosperity. She is invoked by touching the earth. Wife of Saturn.

*Orbona - The Roman goddess invoked by parents who became childless, and begged her to grant them children again.

*Orcus - The Roman god of death and the underworld, either a terrible god or a gentle one. He is the god of oaths and punisher of perjurers. Orcus is identical to the Greek Hades, both the god and his domains.

*Orias (Unk) - Demon of divination. Marquis of hell.

*Oroan (Guyana) - Demon of the eclipse.

*Orthon (Unk) - a demon of unknown origin who is said to have ties with possessions in france and with the Satanic-Masonic cult of Palladinism in 19th century Italy.

*O-Ryu - Japanese goddess of the willow tree.

*Oshun - The African (Yoruban) orisha of love, sexuality, beauty and diplomacy; a wife of Chango. She is the keeper of the sweet waters and patroness of the Oshun river. With her pure sweetness, she overcomes the most difficult obstacles. She is the protector of the abdominal area and the teacher of pleasure and mirth. Oshun is generous and a great giver, but when she is angry, it is very difficult to calm her down. Her worshippers wear amber beads. Her price is the sacrifice of a small chicken, but it is well worth it, for great and powerful spells can be worked through her. She can be invoked for love, money, beauty, joy, and health (abdominal).

*Oshossi - African (Yoruban) god of the forest and hunting. His symbol is the bow.

*Osiris - Egyptian god of life and death. Osiris ruled the world of men in the beginning, after Ra had abandoned the world to rule the skies, but he was murdered by his brother Set. Through the magic of Isis, he was made to live again. Being the first living thing to die, he subsequently became lord of the dead. He was also worshipped as a fertility, resurrection, and vegetation god.

*Ossipago - In Roman mythology, Ossipago was a minor goddess of skeletal structures and the strengthener of fetal bones.

*Otohime - "Luminous Jewel". A Japanese goddess, the beautiful daughter of the sea-king Ryujin. She married Hoori and gave birth to a son after which she turned into a dragon (her father's original shape).

*Ourania - In Greek mythology Ourania was a mountain goddess of summer, especially mid-summer. The Queen of the winds and ruler of the night sky.

*Ovda - Unfriendly Finnish forest spirit.

*O-Wata-Tsumi - Japanese god of the sea and its creatures, the most important of many sea gods.

*Oya - African (Yoruban) warrior orisha of the wind, symbolic of the winds of change. Every breath we take is a gift from Oya. She is tall and regal, strong, assertive, courageous and independent and is always willing to take risks. Oya is a great witch and the guardian of the gates of death. Women often ask her to give them the ability to choose their words so that they speak persuasively and powerfully. She symbolizes transformations, power, action, life, vivacity. Oya is invoked in case of illness. Wife of Chango.

*O’Yama (Japanese) - Another name for Satan.

*O-Yama-Tsu-Mi - First and most important of eight Japanese mountain gods. God of all mountains and volcanoes.

*Pa - Chinese goddess of droughts.

*Pa-cha - The Chinese god who protects farmers against locusts.

*Pachet - The Egyptian goddess of the desert.

*Paean - A Greek god of healing and regarded as the physician to the other gods. He is often identified with other gods (among which Apollo, Asclepius, Dionysus, Zeus) in their roles as healers and protectors against illness and misfortune. Paean emerged as an independent deity in later Greek literature. A paean is also a hymn in honor of Apollo, in which he, as healer, is glorified and praised.

*Paimon - A high ranking devil, Paimon takes the form of a young man wearing a crown and riding a camel, He is the master of ceremonies in Hell and commands two hundred legions of fiends. He supplants mortal thoughts with his own.

*Paiva - Finnish sun god.

*Palaemon - A marine deity connected with Poseidon, and identified by the Romans with Portunes, god of harbors. He was originally Melicertes, son of Ino, and became a marine deity together with his mother when she cast herself with him into the sea.

*Pales - Roman deity who was the guardian of flocks and sheep. Because the deity is worshipped as sometimes a god and sometimes a goddess, its true gender is unknown.

*P'an Chin Lien - Chinese goddess of prostitutes.

*Pan Jin Lian - The Chinese goddess of fornication and prostitution. According to myth, she was a young widow caught making love by her brother-in-law. He killed her lover. The widow became the patroness of prostitutes, who frequently make obeisance to her as they enter their places of business.

*Pan (Greek) - The Greek god of shepherds and flocks, who was especially popular in Arcadia. His parents are Hermes and Penelope. He was depicted as a satyr with a reed pipe, a shepherd's crook and a branch of pine or crown of pine needles. He had a wrinkled face with a very prominent chin. On his forehead were two horns and his body was hairy. He was a swift runner and climbed rocks with ease. Pan belonged to the retinue of Dionysus. Pan was also a god of fertility, unbridled male sexuality and carnal desire. He chased nymphs through the forests and mountains in the shape of a goat. Pan was not very liked by the other Greek gods. He was later demonized by the Christian church. He emodies love, lust, fertility, and the element of earth.

*Panacea - Roman goddess of health whose name means "heal-all". She is daughter of Aesculapius and sister of Hygeia.

*Pandia - ("all-bright") was a Greek mythological figure. She was the daughter of Zeus and Selene. She was the sister of Ersa and Nemea. Pandia was the goddess of brightness, especially the sun. She might have also been the goddess of the full moon and the mate of Zeus Pandion, the full moon god.

*Parcae - the Roman goddess of fate, similar to the Greek Moirae (Fates). Originally there was only one of them, Parca, a goddess of birth. Her name is derived from parere ("create, give birth") but later it was associated with pars (Greek: moira, "part") and thus analogous with the three Greek Moirae. The three Parcae are also called Tria Fata.

*Partula - A minor Roman goddess of birth. She is concerned with the parturition.

*Patalena - The Roman deity who protects the blossoms.

*Patecatl - The Aztec god of healing and fertility. He is also 'lord of the pulque root'. With his wife Mayahuel he is the father of the Centzon Totochtin (the 'four hundred rabbits').

*Paventia - The Roman goddess who protects children against sudden fright.

*Paymon (Unk) - master of infernal ceremonies.

*Pax - Roman goddess of peace.

*Pazuzu - A winged demon, feared by the people of ancient Mesopotamia. It is a creature with a deformed head, the wings of an eagle, the sharp claws of a lion on its hands and feet, and the tail of a scorpion. This demon is the personification of the south-east storm wind, which brings diseases. The Mesopotamians believed that Pazuzu lived in the desert.

*Pellervoinen - Finnish god of fields, trees, and plants.

*Peneus (Greek) - a river god. He was a son of Oceanus and Tethys.

*Penia - the personification of poverty and was worshipped among the poor. After a feast among the gods, she married Porus.

*Penthus - The personification of grief. When Zeus decided who would be the god of that, Penthus was absent. There was nothing left for him to preside over except the honors paid to the dead, mourning and tears. Penthus favors those who weep for the dead, and because they are so good at weeping he sends them the most grief he can. So the best way to avoid grief is to keep the amount of distress at a minimum.

*Peris - Persian spirits of great beauty who guide mortals on their way to the Land of the Blessed. They also battle the Daevas.

*Persephone - the goddess of the underworld in Greek mythology.

*Pertunda - Italian goddess of sexual love.

*Petbe - The Egyptian god of retaliation.

*Petesuchos - An Egyptian crocodile-god.

*Phan Ku - Chinese creator god who formed the mountains, valleys, oceans, and rivers on the earth. When he died, his skull became the sky, his breath became the wind, his voice thunder, his arms and legs the four cardinal direction, his flesh the soil, and his blood the rivers. Then the fleas in his hair became human beings.

*Phantasos - A son of Hypnos and one of the Oneiroi, the personifications of the various types of dreams. The various lifeless items one meets in one's dreams are created by him. His name means "apparition".

*Pheme (Greek) - the goddess of fame. She was a daughter of Gaea.

*Philotanus (Unk) - a second order demon in service to Belial.

*Philotes - The Greek personification of affection. She is usually ascribed as the daughter of Nyx and sister of Apate ("deceit"), Geras ("old age"), and Eris.

*Philyra (Greek) - the shape-shifting goddess of beauty, perfume, healing, writing and divination. She was the discoverer of paper.

*Phobetor - A son of Hypnos and one of the Oneiroi, the personifications of the various types of dreams. In the dreams of humans Phobetor made various animal shapes appear. His name means "frightning".

*Phobos - ("fright") is the Greek personification of fear and terror. He is usually considered to be a son of Ares, and accompanying him in battle, instilling fear in all he saw. His brother of Deimos.

*Phoebe (Greek) - the goddess of waxing and waning cycles. Ruler of the sapphire-regioned moon and cloven-hoofed animals.

*Phoebus - the Greek god of enlightenment.

*Phthonus - The Greek personification of envy. Phthonus was said to have married many different women and killed most of them because he suspected that they cheated on him. He was usually thought of as the son of Dionysus and Nyx.

*Phyllis (Greek) - a goddess of spring, trees, wisdom, women's secrets and the genetic knowledge contained in seeds.

*Picumnus - a minor Roman god of growth and the fertility of the fields. He is the patron of matrimony and infants at birth and stimulated their growth. He is also worshipped as Sterquilinus (or Stercutus) because he invented the manuring of the fields.

*Picus - The ancient Roman deity of agriculture. He also possessed the powers of prophecy. He was changed into a woodpecker by Circe when he did not requite her passion.

*Pietas - Roman goddess of pietry, respect, honor, and duty to the gods. Her symbol and totem animal is the stork.

*Pi-Hsai Yuan Chin - Chinese goddess of childbirth and labor; she brings health and good fortune to the newborn and protection to the mother.

*Pilumnus - Pilumnus is a minor Roman god, the brother of Picumnus and together they stimulated the growth of little children and avert sickness. To ensure to help of these gods, people made an extra bed right after the birth of a child. Pilumnus is also believed to have taught mankind how to grind corn.

*Pishashas - Evil woodland spirits of Vedic myth.

*Pitho (Greek) - the goddess of persuasion.

*Pluto - Roman god of the underworld and the judge of the dead. People referred to Pluto as the rich one because he owned all the wealth in the ground. People were afraid to say his real name because they were afraid it might attract his attention. Black sheep were offered to him as sacrifices. Pluto was known as a pitiless god because if a mortal entered his Underworld they could never hope to return. Pluto was the Roman name for the Greek god Hades.

*Plutus - Greek god of wealth. He was thought to be blind because wealth is given indiscriminantly to both the good and the bad. Some stories say eventually he gains his sight back so he can give wealth to the deserving.

*Pluvius - Literally, "sender of rain", an epithet of the Roman god Jupiter. During long droughts the ancient Romans called upon Jupiter using that name. It is also an epithet of the Hyades.

*Podarge - One of the Harpies. By Zephyrus she became the mother of Xanthus and Balius, the horses of Achilles.

*Poena - The Roman goddess of punishment.

*Poltergeists - The term, compounded from the German poltern, ‘to knock', and geist, ‘spirit', is applied to a variety of invisible entities which manifest in an unruly and disturbing manner, often involving unexplained noises, the moving or throwing of objects, vile smells, strange shrieks, as well as such curious phenomena as apports. While some occurrences may appear to involve actual spirits or ghosts, the disturbances may also derive from subconscious psychokinesis on the part of an individual. Poltergeist phenomena have been reported around the world throughout history. Before the nineteenth century, these occurrences were blamed on the Devil, demons and witches. In the 1930s the psychologist and psychic researcher Nandor Fodor suggested the theory that poltergeist disturbances were caused not by spirits but by individuals suffering intense repressed anger, sexual frustration, and hostility. This psychological dysfunction theory has been supported by other research indicating that in a significant number of reported disturbances, the agent was a child or teenager possibly unconsciously unleashing hostility without fear of punishment. Psychological profiles of agents show that mental and emotional stress, personality disorders, phobias, obsessive behavior and schizophrenia are linked to supposed poltergeist phenomena, and in some cases psychotherapy has eliminated the poltergeist disturbances.

*Polymnia (Greek) - Muse of the sacred hymn, eloquence and dance. She is usually represented in a pensive or meditating position. She is a serious looking woman, dressed in a long cloak and resting with an elbow on a pillar. Sometimes she holds a finger to her mouth.

*Pomona - a Roman goddess of garden fruits.

*Portunes - The Roman god of ports and harbors, identified with the Greek Palaemon or Melicertes. Originally he was a god of keys and doors and domestic animals. He protects the warehouses where grain is stored, and is as such a god of the harbors. His temple was located near the Forum Boarium. The Portunalia were observed on August 17, and on this festival keys were thrown into the fire to safeguard them against misfortune. His attribute is a key.

*Porus - The Roman god of plenty.

*Poseidon - Greek god of earthquakes and the sea. Symbolizes the elements air and water, can be invoked for the moon. The symbols associated with Poseidon include: dolphins, tridents, and three-pronged fish spears. Poseidon was relied upon by sailors for a safe voyage on the sea. Many men drowned horses in sacrifice of his honor. He lived on the ocean floor in a palace made of coral and gems, and drove a chariot pulled by horses. However, Poseidon was a very moody divinity, and his temperament could sometimes result in violence. When he was in a good mood, Poseidon created new lands in the water and a calm sea. In contrast, when he was in a bad mood, Poseidon would strike the ground with a trident and cause unruly springs and earthquakes, ship wrecks, and drownings.

*Postverta - The Roman goddess of the past.

*Pothos - Greek deification of love, passion, and desire. Consort of Aphrodite.

*Potina - The Roman goddess associated with the first drink of children or children's potions.

*Potnia - the most important goddess in Greece in the Late Bronze Age, which is called Mycenaean (1600 - 1100 BC). In Mycenaean monuments, Potnia appears with many attributes: the snakes, the double axes, the lions, the doves, the griffin, as well as other kinds of animals and sacred features. Sometimes standing alone they have to indicate the presence of the goddess. Potnia is the protector of nature, vegetation, fertility and in this case she is closely related to the Minoan Mother of the Mountains. During Late Helladic III period (after 1400 BC) Potnia is depicted more war-like. Armed with weapons, wearing a helmet, she is accompanied by the griffin.

*Prajapati - The Hindu lord of creation.

*Priapus - the Greek god of fertility in nature. He was a son of Dionysus and Aphrodite. He was blighted in the womb by Hera, and was born impotent, ugly and so foul natured that the gods refused to have him in Olympus and threw him down to earth where he was brought up by shepherds.

*Priapus - The Roman patron god of gardens, viniculture, sailors and fishermen. He is portrayed wearing a long dress that leaves the genitals uncovered. The Romans placed a satyr-like statue of him, painted red and with an enormous phallus, in gardens as some kind of scarecrow, but also to ensure fruitfulness. The fruits of the fields, honey and milk were offered to him, and occasionally donkeys. He was very popular and in his honor the Priapea was written--a collection of 85 perfectly written poems, sometimes funny but usually obscene. Originally, Priapus was a fertility god from Asia Minor, especially in Lampsacus on the Hellespont, and was the most important god of the local pantheon (see: the Greek Priapus). He was introduced in Greece around 400 BC but never was very popular. Priapus' attribute is the pruning knife.

*Prisni - The Hindu goddess of the earth and darkness. She is the wife of Rudra and mother of the Maruts.

*Prometheus - In Greek mythology, Prometheus was the titan who stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans, along with the arts and civilization. He was also often regarded as the creator of man from clay, the first human, and humanity's savior when Zeus threatened to kill all human beings. He greatly offended Zeus by his actions and was punished. There are different sources with different accounts of the legend.

*Promitor - The Roman god associated with the bringing out of the harvest from the barns.

*Prorsa Postverta - The Roman double-goddess who was called upon by women in labor. She guarded over the position of the child in the womb (forwards or backwards). Some sources mention her as another aspect of Carmenta.

*Proserpina - The Roman name for the Greek Persephone. The name is possibly derived from proserpere ("to emerge"), meaning the growing of the grain. Gradually, Libera was equated with her.

*Proserpine (Greek) - queen of underworld.

*Proteus - Greek sea god who served Poseidon. He was a shapeshifter and changed form at will. Proteus is a prophetic sea divinity, son of either Poseidon or Oceanus. He usually stays on the Island of Pharos, near Egypt, where he herds the seals of Poseidon. He will foretell the future to those who can seize him, but when caught he assumes all possible varying forms to avoid prophesying. When held fast despite his struggles, he will assume his usual form of an old man and tell the future.

*Providentia - The Roman goddess of forethought.

*Prthivi - the Earth goddess of Vedic times. His counterpart was the Sky Father Dyaus, and they originally were merged as a single deity named Dyavaprthivi. She was the mother of Indra, and praised her son when he slew his father Dyaus, then allowed him to take Dyaus' place as her consort. She is eternally patient, like the earth itself, and is the source of all plant life. She is symbolized by a cow, and the first milk from each cow is offered to her. In later times, she is sometimes said to be one of Vishnu's wives.

*Ptah - Egyptian creator god of Memphis, created the cosmos and the bodies in which man's souls dwelt. Some legends say he created things as Thoth directed him to. It is also said that he created the elder deities. His is shown as a bald man, a scarab beetle, or a hawk. He can be invoked for stability.

*Puchan - The Hindu god of meeting.

*Pudicitia - Litarally, "modesty". The personified Roman goddess of modesty and chastity.

*Pushan - In Hindu myth, a god of wealth and fertility of cattle. He is also associated with the sun, is the guide of travelers, and conducts the souls of the dead.

*Puta - A Roman goddesses who watched over the pruning of vines and trees.

*Pwcca (Welsh) - Pooka in Celtic Mythos derived from this name for Satan.

*Pwyll - Celtic (Welsh) god, prince who married the goddess Rhiannon and bore a son, Pryderi.

*Pyro (Unk) - A demon prince of falsehood.

*Pythia - Greek serpent and snake goddess, daughter of Gaia.

*Pytho (Unk) - a demon of lies. A serpent demon.