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Felix Alston

While no one, who takes into view a sufficient length of time to form a proper base of comparison can fail to be gratified with the evidences of the elevation and progress of humanity it is nevertheless a lamentable fact the lawless element of mankind is still abundant among us and that a multitude of police and tipstaves is necessary to keep the world in order. It is gratifying, therefore when the functions of enforcing the law, where the peace and good order of the community are at stake, fall into the hands of an efficient and upright official as is the fact on the case of Felix Alston, the popular deputy sheriff of Bighorn County, whose past record as a merchant public official and leading citizen in his neighborhood gives abundant assurance of the proper and judicious discharge of his official duties. Mr. Alston was born on December 7, 1869, in the state of Texas where his mother also was native. His father Philip Alston was born and reared in Florida and in 1834 moved to Texas and while there was united in marriage with Miss Mary Marris. He engaged in the livestock business and here also owned and conducted a large cotton plantation living and flourishing in the state of his adoption until his death in 1891. His widow is yet living there. In his native state Felix Alston grew to manhood and was educated his facilities for scholastic training being furnished wholly by the public schools in the vicinity of his home. On leaving school he at once became connected with the stock industry which brought him to seek a new and more fruitful range for his cattle. Accordingly in 1892 he came to Wyoming and established himself on Shell Creek in Bighorn County. He soon thereafter however temporarily abandoned the cattle business and for three years was engaged in mining in the neighborhood. At the end of that time he came to Basin and opened a livery and feed barn, and conducted a flourishing business in this line being soon elected justice of the peace the first one in the town. At the end of this term of official duty he was appointed deputy treasurer and tax collector and in this dual capacity served the public for two years. He then moved to Lovell carried on a general store for a time and after selling this business located at Irma, took up land and also opened a store at this point also equipping himself with an outfit for the conveyance of parties of tourists through the romantic and picturesque country, for which this part of the state is so famed. All these lines of activity have prospered in his hands and he has accumulations of property of value, not only in Basin but in various other places. In 1903 he was appointed deputy sheriff of the county and discharged his duties with fidelity and courage, duly observing the rights of individual citizens, while protecting the interests of the community. Of the fraternal societies so numerous and esteemed among men he has affiliation with but one, the Modern Woodmen of America, but takes a warm and active interest in the affairs of that order. In 1889 he was united in marriage with Miss Mamie A. Payne, a native of Seward, Nebraska. They have two children, the eldest being named Unis.

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