AD 1865
At Camp in Rolla Phelps Co. Mo. 11th. mo. 3rd. day
Dear brother George Hackney
I wish to inform thee of our where a bouts and health we are in modest health now.
F. A. Jones & John L. Chills occasionally the balance of us well now. We got hear last evening and have overhalled our things and have shiped a box of our goods on the railroad directed to John Hackney Concord East Tennessee and want thee to sea to it pay frait and take charg of it for me we also left two boxes of goods at Emporia Lyon Co. Kansas with directions to be marked and directed to me at Concord Tenn. Care of George Hackney now georg if these lines are favored to reach thy hands I want thee to care for them goods if the come up before we reach thare. We stoped one week and one day at brother James & bro Hughs found them in tolerable health for the Season of the year, we are now about 370 miles on our way at a cost of about $30.00 we started full and recruted at Brothers and have laid in a fresh hear, we expect it to cost us more from hear for ward accordingly, if we are favered to get through we will need things to live on meat and milk N.B. Levi came through from Iowa and met us hear or at Jos Hackneys he got hear there 3 days before we did, the weather is now fine.