U.T.U. LOCAL # 934
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U.T.U. LOCAL # 934


This is the home page of Local #934 of the United Transportation Union. We provide representation for Burlington Northern Sante Fe trainmen in the Alliance Nebraska area.We currently have about 260 members.

We hold meetings at our office at 416&1/2 Box Butte Ave. (Above Hardware Hank's)

The SECOND Tuesday of the month at 1:00 P.M.

The FOURTH Tuesday of the month at 7:00 P.M.

Our Office PH# is (308)-762-7402

Our office secretary Linda Jackson is there Monday through Friday 9-12 and 1-4

E-mail The Office AT

Some of the runs we make include

We also represent Alliance Yard and the Crawford Helpers.

Local Officers

Gone but not forgotten

Railroad Links

U.T.U. Links

U.T.U. International
Local 465,Gillette Wy.
Local 1637, Vancouver Wa.
Locals 1778 and 1923, N. Vancouver,BC
Local 492, Sacramento,Ca
Local 990, Winnepeg, MB

Other R.R. Links

Federal Railroad Administration
National Labor Relations Board
Railroad Retirement Board

You are now times out
(weak RR humor)

Sign Our Guestbook View Our Guestbook Guestbook by Lpage

Email: barleydog@bbc.net

this page maintained by Tom Vancil atbarleydog@bbc.net at no cost to Local#934