Aion's Asuka Costume
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Update! Great pic from "A fan's view" website this year...I'll put that up first. The other pics are from Anime expo in 2001 and NDK 2001. You can see I made a few changes, and the costume looks better. So do I, actually. ;)

Here is one from NDK 2002 from A Fan's View.

Here are the plugsuit and yellow dress from ndk 2002. Too bad my eyes are either closed or red. :D Pictures from

Here is a nice one from the fashion show from Studio Artmix.

Here's a full body shot of the plugsuit and of the yellow dress from California.

Cosplay Closet
They gave me a hall award at Anime Expo! I was so happy. ^_^

From Nan Desu Kon Go-
Cute pic of Asuka and Rei. ^_^

Yohko Costume
