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Original Artwork by Aion

NEW! Virtual Venus - "The Birth of Venus" combined with "Ghost in the Shell..."

NEW! Anthy, crying...
Another movie-style Anthy. ^_^

NEW! Urd, battle costume from the Ah my Goddess Movie .

Yohko with her sword.
Nothing special, just Yohko in Earth Posture- I started it a while ago, just now put the face on and scanned her because I thought she was cute.

Ayoko with her whip.
I really like this one - The proportions look nice and it has a good flow. I'm finally getting the hang of drawing again.

Cute, evil (well, impish anyway) character. I like her expression, and the way
her posture shows her personality some too. (Of course, I love the hair).

Hey, it's more Ayako...
This started out as a practice exercise for a different character,
but I had some fun with it. The scan is pretty messy though...I'll have to rescan her later.

I'm really kind of proud of this one...
I saw the Utena movie, and loved it- so here's my fanart of Anthy.
Anthy suck factor in the movie is zip!!! She acts cooler than Utena!
Oh yeah...pencil sketch, then scanned image colored via photoshop.
(I think hand painting would have been faster.)

Slightly wicked....
I think that this Anthy rocks, and I like to think of her as the dominant one in the relationship.
The sketch and the full color version also done in photoshop. I did a lot of
corrections on the full color, it's not perfect but I think it looks a lot better.

This sketch was a work in progress for a piece I'm creating for someone (other than myself ^_^)
Here's the final pencil and watercolor
I think the colors look a little better in real life- this was a really important experience for me, because it made me work on creating something at a time when I didn't know if I could. Thanks Sonia! ^_^

Neon Genesis Revolution
I was thinking about this for a long time before I did it, and once I finish this and the one above, I think I will be doing some other characters/series for a while. It seemed natural.... pilot unit 00 and pilot unit 02. Color images coming whenever I finish painting them in photoshop.

Wow, I'm finally off my Utena kick! Sort of. I absolutely love the design of the Fight Card from Card Captor Sakura- here's a watercolor I did of her.
Actual image has her and Mei Ling, but it's too big to scan and Mei Ling doesn't look as good. ;)

This is one of Yohko and Ayako - took two scans and put them together and it's still not the whole image. Oh well.

NEW Here are a couple of characters from a story I'm thinking about putting together-
Sword warrior
Spear warrior

NEW Here's a little pencil sketch of Yui Ikari as a test pilot. You'll probably notice her plugsuit looks very similar to the initial sketches for plugsuits from the EVA artbook. I added a few things- more armor, little plugs - basically I think the wireless technology would not have been as good as it was when Shinji, Rei, and Asuka are pilots so she'd look a bit like Ghost in the Shell, with all the wires and such.

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