Facts about Myths

These are some interesting myths that I have come across:

Myth: Feed your cat as much as she likes; cats have a natural appetite control.

Fact: Over feeding your cat can cause it to be overweight, which can shorten its life span.

Myth: Indoor cats cannot get diseases.

Fact: Cats can be exposed to organisms that are brought into the house (in the air, on people's shoes, clothing, etc.) Get your cats vaccinated even if they remain indoors.

Myth: Cats should drink milk everyday.

Fact: While most cats do like milk, they don't need it if they're properly nourished. Some cats can be lactose intolerant and milk cause them problems. If you feed your cats milk at all, make sure it's in small amounts.

Myth: Cats that are spayed or neutered automatically gain weight.

Fact: Cats gain weight from eating too much, not exercising enough or both.

Myth: Cats always land on their feet

Fact: Cats may instinctively fall feet first, but they can also receive broken bones. Make sur to secure any windows or balconies to pervent a fall.

Myth: Pregnant women should not own cats.

Fact: Cats can be infected with a disease (toxoplasmosis) which can be spread to humans through litter boxes. This disease can cause problems to unborn babies. This can be controlled if the mother-to-be avoids contact with the litter box. (It should be noted that this desease can also be passed through handling of raw meat, so liter boxes are not the only thing pregnant wemon should be weary about)

If you have any interesting myths that you think I should put up, feel free to e-mail them to me.