Cat Facts


These are facts that I have collected over the years. If you have some interesting facts that you think should go on this page, feel free to e-mail me.

  • Cats have 230 bones, 24 more than humans
  • Cats do not have a collarbone, which allows them to fit through any opening the size of their head
  • Cats have the largest eyes of any mammal (in relation to body size)
  • Cats can't see in total darkness, but their 'night vision' is excellent.
  • A cats field of vision is about 185 degrees
  • A normal pulse for a cat is between 110-170 beats per minute (check for pulse on the inside of back thigh, where the leg joins the body)
  • Cats take between 20-40 breaths per minute
  • A domestic cat can run at speeds of about 31 miles per hour
  • A cat is able to jump 5 times as high as its height
  • Cats are the only animals that purr. They purr at about 26 cycles per second.
  • Cats respond better to a women than to men, probably due to the fact that women's voices have a higher pitch
  • Purring does not always mean that a cat is happy; some cats will purr loudly when they are scared or hurt.
  • It has been scientifically proven that stroking a cat can lower one's blood pressure
  • The average cat can be expecter to live for an average of 15 to 16 years

If you liked this page. Take a look at my The Truth About Cat Myths page.