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News for 6-30-98

-Randy Savage had knee surgery 6/29/98. He will be out 4-6 months.

-Glacier injured his knee during the main event of Nitro against Goldberg. I don't know how bad this injury is. I'll try to find out.

-Nitro got a 4.1 rating this monday.

News for 6-29-98

WCW Hotline Report with: Mike Tenay ---------------------------------------------

-Nitro will be in Florida. We will see World TV Champ Booker T, Dean Malenko, Eddie Guerro and Steve "Mongo" McMichael.
~DDP and Malone are going Cross country to promote the upcoming PPV event, They have a surprise for the nWo Hollywood this evening.
~Thunder is Live THURSDAY this week from the Civic center in Colombus Georgia.
~Both Major promotions in Japan made huge announcements about their upcoming tours, All-Japans star will remain out for this tour as well. It is hurting them in the box office. New Japan will have an 18 man single elimination event.
~Memphis Pro Wrestling will air a show on WNCTV.
~From the "Where are they Now" files, Last Wednesday, indy card in Georgia was a disaster with 200 people going to see, Abdulah the Butcher, Mr Hughes and Missy Hyatt.
~Part 2. Former ECW Promoter, Todd Gordon, as well as wrestlers Stevie Richards, 9-1-1, and The Pitbulls, shocked, an Indy audience in Jersey, as they did a RUN-IN on the show.
~Sabu and Rob Van Damn are the new ECW Tag team champs.
~Shane Douglas did TC commentary.
~Time magazine did its spin on Monday Wars.
~EMLL wrestlers were set to debut this weekend on WCW tapings.
~TNT will be doing the talked about "split feed" for Nitro so the East Coast as well as West will see Nitro Live. This should affect the ratings.
~Last Monday Raw won 4.3 to 4.1 Nitro won the shares derby.
~Thunder did a 2.7, with 14,000 fans in attendance.
~nWo Hollywood will have a new Tag Team to battle the Wolfpac. They will debut at the July 10 house show!
~The Giant will team up with Bret Hart
~Jericho -vs- Malenko will be at the upcoming PPV.

News for 6-28-98

-Not really that much news for ya today. The Horsemen should reform durring the Atlanta Nitro. That might help out with the ratings. I've been hearing alot about the Atlanta Nitro. The rumors are that Mysterio & Hall will return. The Warrior might show up for it. And I also heard that the Main Event MIGHT be Goldberg vs. Hogan. I know a Goldberg vs. Hogan match would boost the ratings for nitro!

News for 6-27-98

WCW Hotline Report
Host: Mean Gene Okerlund

- RAW won ratings again. No change.
~ How in the world did the nWo become bigger than WCW?
~ We will be seeing the return of the 4 Horsemen, that should win the WCW the Ratings again. Who will be in them? Benoit confronted Anderson. They had a heart to heart. Was a private talk, but was broadcast on Thunder. Benoit, Steve McMichael and Malenko to name a few, could be in them. Goldberg too even. That would be a surprise. And another name from the Horsemen past, Arn Anderson, could enter the picture..but in what capacity?
~ Rodman/Hogan vs Malone/DDP biggest celebrity match in wrestling. Rodmans take on the Diamond Cutter on Jay Leno broke Gene up.
~ A lot of Hogan seems to be rubbing off on The Giant.
~ Kevin Greene told Gene he wants nothing to do with The Giant. 'Not enough money in the world for me to get in the ring with him' he said. Look for Goldberg to team with Greene soon....hmmm...
~ Rey Mysterio Jr to return soon.
~ Kevin Nash and Scott Hall have been speaking privatley. What they've been saying is another question. The Outsiders may have patched up their differences, and may 'return' this Monday Night.
~ Gene will be miffed if Rodman and/or Malone ain't on Nitro. This will be one of the biggest Nitros, as Tampa is Hogan's backyard.
~ Thunder comes from Columbus, Georgia.

News for 6-26-98 --11:30 PM CDT

WCW Hotline Report -- 6/26
Host: Jeff Katz
- In addition to Rodman & Malone, Greene will be appearing at Bash at the Beach, as he teams with Goldberg to take on Hennig and the Giant. The match will be interesting to see how the fans will react when Goldberg wrestles for longer period of time.
~ Bret Hart vs Benoit to be the first of many. They should have a long series of matches. Look for Iron Man Matches and 7 fall matches between the two. ~ Worldwide & Pro have final tapings this weekend, then will go to magazine format, recapping Nitro matches.
~ Giants smoking is extremley controversial. While it does make him come across more edgy on TV, the Fan & Media backlash will cause a lot of trouble, due to a family-orientated program basically promoting tobacco.
~ Time Magazine running article on Monday Night wars.
~ Snuka recently backstage at Nitro. May make some appearances, but no wrestling.
~ Rey Mysterio returning very shortly. Put on 15 lb's of muscle.
~ Scott Hall will be back within 2 weeks, and will join The Wolfpac
~ Tennesee Newspaper recently wrote 2 page article on Kevin Nash. He was kicked off the team for attacking his coach. Nash said he has 5 years left in his career.
~ WCW opening theme restaurants, similar to Planet Hollywood. First one in Las Vega in September probably. Lot of appearances by wrestlers. WCW have big commitment to Las Vegas. West Coast presence gives them more 'worldwide' coverage.

- 6/25 Thunder got a 2.7 rateing

News for 6-25-98 --10:30 PM CDT

-News on this page goes back 7 news days.

-Now to the news: The Horsemen are reforming with or without Flair. I hope WITH! They are saying the that the horsmen would be Benoit, Mongo, Goldberg, and Fit Finely. I know your thinking that Finely doesn't belong in the Horsemen, BUT, either does Mongo! Melinko would be a better choice than Finely.

-Ultimate Warrior will show up for the July 6th Nitro. He'll probablly join nWo-Hollywood.

News for 6-24-98 --5:25 PM CDT

-Thunder is tonight

-Travis Tritt will be performing durring WCW/nWo ROAD WILD

News for 6-23-98

-Raw beat Nitro on the rating wars for the 4th week in a row. Raw got a 4.3 and Nitro got a 4.1. Those were pretty close numbers. I'm guessing that Raw's winning streak will come to a stop on July 6th.

News for 6-22-98 --1:58 PM CDT

-Scott Hall MIGHT show up for tonights Nitro. Rumor has it that Scott Hall will join the Wolfpack, and Savage will go with Hollywood. I guess it will be some kind of trade or something. But why would Savage join after Bischoff's "brutal attack"on him. Savage did hurt his knee durring that Cage match and he'll be out for 6-8 months.

Since 6-24-98