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Peggy's David Cassidy Photo Gallery

These are the photos of David Cassidy I took
while he was at Eat'm on 20th May, 1999,
and the Golf Tournament on 21st May, 1999,
in Las Vegas. I hope you'll enjoy viewing them.

David at Eat'm
Gallery ONE :
David Cassidy at Eat'm
David and Sue at Eat'm
Gallery TWO :
David and Sue at Eat'm
David at the Golf
Gallery THREE :
David at the Golf Tournament
David and Sue at the Golf
Gallery FOUR :
David and Sue at
the Golf Tournament
Sue at Eat'm
Gallery FIVE :
Sue at EAT'M
and Golf

Pics of David at "Sparks in the Park"

David at Sparks
Gallery SIX :
David at Sparks
David and Peggy
David Cassidy
and Peggy
David at the Copa
Gallery SEVEN :
David Cassidy at The Copa"
MORE!! Links to more sites

Order David's new album, "THEN AND NOW" now!! Due out in UK in October. It is cheaper via this site. All referral fees and commissions earned when you purchase through this link will be donated to Kids Charities.

order Then and Now here

Please note that these photos are copyrights of Peggy Stewart. Please do not use or duplicate for any purposes without consent from the photographer.

Paul May's Fanbase

Leslie's EFX Scrapbook

Please take a moment to sign my guestbook before you leave. Thank you.

Dear visitors, I have been having much problems accessing my old guestbook since the upgrade. So I'm starting all over with a new one. My apologies to all those who signed my old book. I hope you will take some time to sign again.

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Cassidy Family Ring
and is owned by Peggy Stewart

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Cassidy Family Hate-Free Zone Webring
and is owned by Peggy Stewart

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Teen Idols Webring
and is owned by Peggy Stewart

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This site is brought to you by Peggy Stewart
Site created on 28th May, 1999