here are some links that i go to sometimes, and so should you cas they are the best ever in the whole world. or something like that. if you want your page up on my links, then tell me, and ill probably put it up. email me ass with it.

people i know

my partner in crime tate. his site is like mine because we made them together in the time warp that is england.
my other page... with older pictures and more crap on it. its kinda shit... but you can listen to the rocky song on it..
cris' page of crap
chris' love corner. chris is one of my oldest friends... well not age wise... like time i knew him wise.
coleen's little rockstar page
this shit will give you nightmares.
sheilins page. shes hot. shes smart. shes smot.

bands and shit

a fire inside
saves the day

fun shit

the MakeOutClub