ok... here are the rules for calling shotgun. it has come to my attention that some of you retards dont know the rules, or have some whacky 'european rules.' well fuck that... heres the skinny. its not about seeing or touching the car. this might involve running, which we all know causes fatigue. so fuck that. here are the rules as folows:

1. you have to be outside. thats an obviouse one... you cant be sitting in sharies drinking your milkshake and call that shit. thats time out!

2. you have to be leaving your desired destination. whether that be sharies, the movies, the letterbox... all that. once outside the doors, whoever calls shotgun (or variations of the word) gets to sit in the front.

3. if the destination is outside, as soon as you have left the premisis, or did the deed at hand. lets say you were mini-golfing up near the 'couve, and you are done, after you pay, you need to be out of the gates to call shotgun. also, if you are goign to lets say an outdoor market, as soon as you buy what you needed, or did whatever thing you needed to do, its an open ball game. all bets are off.

4. it is best if everyone hears... hence the shouting out of shotgun... but definitly the driver has to hear... and in the end, the driver makes the judgement call.

now to further the topic at hand...

Calling bitch, windows, and gangbang

bitch is of course sitting inthe middle. windows are self explanitory... and gangbang is when you have 4 in the back, one on top of everyone else.

the same rules apply, but there is no descending order... shotgun, you want it, but in the backseat... i like bitch... everyone has their prefrences.

i hope that clears that up... fuck an eh! english kids' rules are whack and stupid.