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Welcome to my Lair

You're listening to Istanbul
by They Might Be Giants

[Lady Dragon's gargoyle]

~ Zahd ~
Zahd is a dragon gargoyle.  It was adopted by Lady Dragon on Aug 21, 1999 from Nightlyre's Adopt-A-Haunt program.

Adopt a haunt today!

Lady Dragon

Welcome to my home. This is the Castle of Kayos, the stronghold of the Realm. The layout of the Realm is made so I hope it is easy to get around. The castle is mostly links about myself and other fun facts. Outside is where you learn about a lot of the creatures who have found solace here from the "modern" world. My gift to you, a simple staff.

Think of it as a portal. You will be able to go where you please while you have it. Remember after you leave and start your explorations these creatures are not ours to command and must be treated with the greatest respect. Do not anger them or you may not be able to leave here. If you enjoy your travels you are welcome back to The Realm of Kayos anytime you wish. Things will always be changing.
Let the journey begin.

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I have my WEBRING up and running click HERE to join. If you have any suggestions on how to improve my site drop me a line (that means e-mail me).

The Dragons Fury Webring

This Dragons Fury site owned by Lady Dragon.
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Story Time :>
I was asked on summers eve by a young lad of five, "Excuse me sir, but are Dragons really alive?" I looked upon this curious lad whose eyes were wide with wonder And sat upon a fallen log to rest and to ponder. After a few moments of thoughtful repose I looked upon the wide eyed youth. Choosing my words carefully, I explained to the boy in no uncertain truth. To believe in tales of Enchantment, Fairies, Dragons and such Would be to some people a little too much. But NOT to believe, my friend That would be a loss. For a fine young man's fancy is shaped from these dreams of Dragons in caverns of moss. The boy looked puzzled and walked away concerned. Not knowing or really knowing which answer he prefered. I watched the lad walk slowly out of site And glanced upon the horizon at the approaching night. Shaking my head, I spread my wings and ascended into the sky Perceiving a part of the boy's childhood was leaving him this night. "Dragons are real my friend and not as far fetched as they seem. Knowingly and truly I can proudly say that we were never part of someone's dream."

~This page protected by the Sprit of the Wolf~

Site last updated
September 28, 2005


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***The way that this page is set up has a Copyright© 1999 by . All graphics as far as I know are public domain. Questions, comments or suggestions? Send feedback.***
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