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DOMINIQUE MOCEANU A True American Champion

The life of a True Champion

What a cutie! Dominique dances her way through the Devil went down to Georgia!
This Dominique page is new and will be full of cool things and facts about Dominique. I told you pictures would be coming. If you have any comments about my page or just want to e-mail me, please do!!!!!!!!

Stuff You never knew about DOMINIQUE


Her favourite colors are: red, pink, black and white.

Her favourite actors and actresses are: Jennifer Aniston, Jim Carrey, Brad Pitt, Steve Martin, Sandra Bullock, Sally Field and Mel Gibson.

Her favourite TV soap opera is Days of our lives.

Her favourite athletes are: Michael Jordan, Andre Agassi, Scott Hamilton, Kurt Browning and Kristi Yamaguchi.

Her favourite TV shows are: Fresh Prince of Bel-air and Friends.

Her favourite foods, cereals and drinks are: Rice crispies, Corn Pops, Wheaties, Apple Jacks, Steak, Chicken breasts, Romanian foods, Feta cheese, and spinach. Her favourite drinks are: Apple juice, non-alcoholic strawberry daiquiri's.

She loves her personal computer and her lucky elephant necklace.

She likes Country and Western music and likes the song Un-break my Heart by Toni Braxton.

She loves her cat Mitzy and her goldfish.

She likes singing and designing T.shirts.

She had the smallest shoe size at the Olympics only 5 and a half.

Her lucky number is 7.

She earned $3600 for the 1995 Reese's Cup.

Dominique's mother (Camelia) was a level 10 gymnast.

Dominique's sister at the age of 7 was at level 5.

Dominique went from level 5 to elite in 2 years.

Dominique and Alexandra Marinescu (Romania) are rivals. Alexandra says Dominique has alot to learn.

Dominiques Olympic number was 343.

She was born on a Wednesdasy.

News and the latest on DOMINIQUE
Dominique hates the name Domi she much prefers NIQUE.

The Moceanu Gym is now open and is the biggeat gym in America. The head coaches are Liviv Mazilu and Rodica Apenteanu they are both former gymnasts. The Moceanu gym holds the Moceanu Cup and it is the biggest cup in the world. The gym has it's own webpage (which is on my list of links) it tells tou all about the equipment etc. It also gives the address and phone number of the gym. I rang the gym once and it was the answer-phone Dominique had recorded the message.

Dominique plans to study sports medicine.

Dominiques father, Dimitry has licensed a US phone card with Dominique on it. It also has her autograph and a special little message from her. There will soon be one for the rest of the Magnificent 7.

Dominique is the spokesperon and models for 5-7-9 stores (clothes stores).

It's officail that Dominique now has her driver's license.

Dominique earned $302,500 at The John Hancock Tour of Champions

Dominique's dad will not let her date until she's 18.

Dominique's beam mount at the Olympics was called the Silivas (after Daniela Silivas the first to do it), Dominique changed it slightly and it's now called the Moceanu.

The latest more up to date version of Bela Karolyi's book "Feel no Fear" had Dominique on the front cover, she did not give her permission and there is not one word about her in the book. Dominique's lawyer's demanded the book to withdrawn from sale.

Jaycie Phelps was not at the World Championships because she was awaiting knee surgery, but she went to cheer on the USA team.

Amanda Borden, the 1996 Olympic team captin is still considering competing again. She was at the World's though cheering on her boyfriend, Johm McCready.

Dominique Dawes is planning to pursue a career in acting and modelling in New York.

KIM ZMESKAL, DETERMINATION TO WIN:This biography tells the story of Kim's dedication and success at the 1991 Worlds and how she coped with the dissapointment at the Barcelona Olympics. It full of quotes from herself and her coach Bela Karoyli, it contains photo's and is a great insight into America's first World champion.

SHANNON MILLER, AMERICA'S MOST DECORATED GYMNAST:Find out about America's most successful gymnast ever! Twice world champion and Olympic gold medalist, read about her years of hardwork. Full of photo's quotes and much more.

MAGNIFICENT SEVEN:Tribute to the gymnasts who won USA's first ever Olympic women's team gold. Packed with colorful pictures, biographical information about each of the team members. this book is a must have for any gym fan.

DOMINIQUE MOCEANU GYMNASTICS SENSATION:Positive look at the life of America's youngest ever national champion. Heaps of quotes photo's and her rapid progress at such a young age.

KERRI STRUG, HEART OF GOLD:Tell's the story of Kerri's life in her own words. Full of photo's. Read about the ambition that drove her, the teasing she got from schoolmates for being so small, and the ULTIMATE sacrifice she made at the 1996 Olympics.
Anyone is welcome to e-mail me ( with any other information or just general comments. If you would like a message to a friend or anyone else (even Dominique) to go this webpage then e-mail me and give me your name. This page will be updated weekly and I promise pictures will be coming soon!!!!!!
Around the World: APRIL` 1998 EVENTS

4-5:Great Britain v Romania (women), GLASGOW

17-18:Sagit Cup (World Cup qualifier) Vancouver, CANADA

18-19:British Team Championships (women) Bognor Regis, ENGLAND

23-26:Men's European Championships St. Petersburg,RUSSIA

30-3(May):Women's European Championships St. Petersburg, RUSSIA

"My names Bryan, I'm 16 yrs. old and in a band called Toxic Toast. It's a Mighty Mighty Bosstones cover band, and we do a few of our own songs. My brother Mike did advertising for Hill,Holliday, and advertising company in Boston. During my school vacation one day I got a call and it was Mike, "Hey, I'm going with these John Hancock reps and woundered if you wanted to go to Bertuchis (a pizza place that is VERY GOOD.) It was free food so I said sure. So I got into Boston and I got to the Hill,Holliday place and Mike introduced me to the reps, "John, Tim, Amy, Bill, and Dominique is here some where." Now saying to myself, "Hey I've heard that name before." And then she walked out and she just said "Hi." And then BOOM, I knew who she was, she was in the Olympics, and she was cute. So all I could say was "Hey, name's Bryan." So we got to the pizza place and we sat and talked for a bit about stuff, likes and dislikes, and why she was in Boston (The answer is that she was training in Massachusetts). After lunch I said, "I know your busy and all but, I'm in a band, called Toxic Toast, and we're doing a gig on Thursday, (it was tuesday at the time) at my friends fathers resturant kinda club thingy and I was just woundering if you wanted to come to the show?" She asked her bodyguard guy and he said it was okay and she said she would come. So I wrote down where it was, slipped in my phone number in just in case and asked her, "Have you heard any of the Bosstones songs?" She said she had heard the newest one, The Impression That I Get, so I asked her, "Do you know the words?', she said nope. I said "Okay, I think it would be cool to have you come on up to the stage and sing a little of the song, because you did say you liked to sing a bit and I could write down the words for you." She was shy about the idea at first but after a little reasuring and some beleif in her abilities she was all up for it. So we talked a bit more about my band then thought I'll see you on Thursday night. Nope, On Wensday I get a call from a girl who at first I thought was just one of my friends, and after this person telling me some stuff I heard the day before, and it hit me, this is Dominique. We talked even more about stuff, double checked the directions and the lyrics and said good night and a see ya tommorrow. And then Thursday night came. It was teen night at my freinds fathers club thingy and we usually do something that night and like usual we did. Plenty of friends, people I know, people I don't know, and then Dominique. I showed her where she could sit for the show. I showed her the band and my other friends, most of them were psyced about meeting her and I was glad because everyone who knows me knows that I like to make people happy. So we started our gig and it was a blast. It was one of my bands best shows ever. So we came down to our last song and I called up Dominique and introduced her to the crowd, the crowd being of mostly made up of teens SCREEAMED, I mean a load scream. I asked her if she had practiced what we went over and she said "ya." So I started the song and everything just clicked. She helped out with the second verse and the refrains, even got her to dance a bit. I gotta say, she was awasome. It was a great time meeting her. She was funny and just cool to hang-out with. So the night ended with the only bad thing was that she had to have this bodyguard guy all night. We said goodbye but kept in tuch and when she come to Boston for the John Hancock Tour thing or anything else we always get to talk somehow."
I will be updating this very soon with some results.
If you or a friend are celebrating a birthday or anything else e-mail me with all the info and we'll put up your message

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maintained by Sarah Spence

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