Aries---Fire and cardinal---His ruler is Mars Aries is active, quick tempered, he has leadership qualities, romantic, impatient, loves to initate new projects, hates to finish them, needs excitement in his life.
Taurus---Earth and fixed---His ruler is Venus Taurus is easy-going, practical, slow to anger, loves the good life, luxery, jealous and possessive, family oriented, requires security.
Gemini---Air and mutable---His ruler is Mercury Gemini is forever reaching for knowledge, loves to talk and travel, read, write, can be superficial, likes to flirt, knows a little about everything, doesn't like responsibility such as leadership, nervous disposition.
Cancer---Water and cardinal---his ruler is the Moon Cancer is always seeking security, having a home base is extremely important to him. He's emotional, intuitive, easily offended and hurt, psychic, devoted to his parents, protective, hides his feelings and is sensitive and vulnerable.
Leo---Fire and fixed---Ruler is the Sun Powerful, self-assured, opinionated, sincere and affectionate, leadership qualites, organizer and enthusiastic.
Virgo---Earth and mutable---Efficient, detail conscious, well organized, needs to be of service, loves analysis, concerned with health.
Libra---Air and cardinal---Relationships, indecisive, rarely quarrels, marriage is important, pleasing, charming.
Scorpio---Water and fixed---People orientated, private, mysterious, resentful, intuitive, persistant, power, investigates everything, jealous and protective.
Sagittarius---Fire and mutable---Freedom loving, idealistic, religion and philosophical issues are important, an adventurous individual, extravagant, restless. Always reaching further, always searching.
Capricorn---Earth and cardinal---Responsible,cautious, hard worker, business orientated, dedicated to duty, wants to climb to the top, serious, methodical and disciplined.
Aquarius---Air and fixed---Freedom loving, independant, faithful to friends, can be a genius, inventive, sensible ideas, insistant, communicative, unemotional, objective, detached, rebel.
Pisces---Water and mutable---Dreamer, boundless imagination, spiritual, desire to help others, over-sensitive, impressionable, sacrificing, can be self-pitying.
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