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The Sun gives us our vitality, the type of ego that we have, personality, he represents our father, husband and authority figures in our lives. The Sun is our identity, and reveals our general health.

The Moon shows our emotional side, how we express our feelings. The need for security in our lives, and habitual patterns from early childhood. The Moon reveals how we deal with sensitivity, our instincts or "gut" feelings. It gives us our nurturing ability toward others and how we, ourselves need nurturing. The Moon also shows how protective we are toward other's, especially our family and friends.

Mercury is the planet that provides us with communication, how we think and absorb ideas and the retention of our memory. Mercury is the planet that helps us to process information and facts.

The Planet Venus shows us how we receive love and how we give love. This planet is how we express our emotions and feelings in our every day life and our personal relationships. Are you conservative or do you enjoy more luxurious surroundings?

Mars is our planet of energy and sexuality. Mars represents how we take action. He indicates how we react or act with anger and how impulsive we are. He's our "flight or fight" response.

Jupiter is always the planet of expansion and growth. Interesting enough, Jupiter can go either way with expansion! He's considered the greater benefic. Where he is found in the natal chart is where there can be good luck or opportunity waiting for you. However, he can also reveal where we overextend, over-do and where there may be too much of a good thing!

Saturn is all about responsibility, discipline and maturity. Saturn shows us how we handle and carry all three. Where Saturn is found in the natal horoscope is where there are lessons one must learn. If we don't learn, the next trip around, he'll give us the same lesson, but perhaps in a different guise.

This planet is about the urge for our freedom and individuality. It shows our uniqueness, and our independence. Uranus is the rebel of the Zodiac. He loves to shake things up, remove you from the runt you're in.

Neptune gives us our intuition and creative abilities. He's also the planet of spirituality. Where Neptune is in our natal chart is where we really don't see things quite as they are. In other words, he places a fog over reality. The house Neptune is in is where one can be deceived or even where we may deceive others.

Pluto, the planet of transformation and regeneration. Power, control and mystery is his domain. Where Pluto is located in your chart is where you will experience change of one form or another in your life.
