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Brick Genealogy Web Ring

The Brick Genealogy Web Ring is intended for sites and homepages that share information on the Brick surname. It is an attempt to gather family trees and histories together, uniting the various Brick families around the world in a common pursuit of tracing family genealogies.

To Join the Brick Genealogy Web Ring:

Step 1: Tell me about your site. Fill in the following form and submit it to me by pressing the 'Submit Site' button. If submitted correctly, you will soon after recieve an e-mail confirming your submission. Please note that the URL that you supply in this form must be the one that will contain the Ring Code.

Step 2: Your site will be reviewed by the owner of the web ring. if you like, you can e-mail me to let me know that you have submitted your site. By doing this, it can speed up the review process.

Step 3: Upon your acceptance into the web ring, you can then add the Brick Genealogical Web Ring HTML code to your site. Hightlight the text within the HTML code box with your mouse, then from your 'Edit' menu select 'copy' or press 'control-c' from your keyboard. You can then paste the HTML code shown into your web page. An example of how it will appear is shown below the HTML code.

<! Begin Brick Genealogy Web Ring Fragment>
<p><center><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=8>
<tr><td bgcolor="#E40000"><h3 align=center>Brick Genealogy<br>Web Ring</h3><br><h5 align=center>Want to join the<br><a href="">Brick Genealogy Web Ring</a>?</h5></td>
<td bgcolor="#E40000"><h5 align=center>This site is a member of the<br> <br><a href=""><center><img src="" align=middle alt="Brick Genealogy Web Ring"></center></a></td>
<td bgcolor="#E40000"><p align=center>
<a href=";id=--id--;prev5">Previous 5 Sites</a><br>
<a href=";id=--id--;prev">Previous</a><br>
<a href=";id=--id--;next">Next</a><br>
<a href=";id=--id--;next5">Next 5 Sites</a><br>
<a href=";random">Random Site</a><br>
<a href=";list">List Sites</a><br></td>
<! End Brick Genealogy Web Ring Fragment>

Brick Genealogy
Web Ring

Want to join the
Brick Genealogy Web Ring?
This site is a member of the
Brick Genealogy Web Ring

Previous 5 Sites
Next 5 Sites
Random Site
List Sites

Step 4: Make the necessary changes to your web page. Remember to replace all instances of "--id--", with your Site ID number, which you will receive via e-mail.

And that is it! If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me.

The Brick Genealogy Web Ring made possible by the