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Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus

By Christopher Knight and Dr. Robert Lomas

‘Nothing is hidden that will not be made known, or
secret that will not come to light.

What I tell you in the dark speak in the light. And
What you hear in a whisper, proclaim on the housetops.’

Yehoshua ben Joseph, also known as Jesus Christ


1 The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry

Sheer Pointlessness
A Poor Candidate in a State of Darkness
The Hidden Mysteries of Nature and Science
A Glimmer of Light

2 The Search Begins
Where Did the Order Originate?
The Temple of King Solomon

3 The Knights Templar
The Beginnings of the Order
What were they Searching for?
The Rule of the Order
The Seal of the Order
Organization of the Order

4 The Gnostic Connection
The Early Christian Censors
The Gnostic Gospels
The Gnostic Resurrection

5 Jesus Christ: Man, God, Myth or Freemason?
Another Virgin Birth
The Principal Groups of Jerusalem
The Hard Evidence of the Dead Sea Scrolls
The Family of Jesus
The Birth of a New Religion
Truth within the Heresies
A positive Link between Jesus and the Templars
The Star of the Mandaeans
The Star of America

6 In the Beginning Man Made God
The Garden of Eden
The Cities of Sumer
Ur, the City of Abraham
God, the King, the Priest and the Builders
The Figure of Abraham, the First Jew

7 The Legacy of the Egyptians
The Beginnings of Egypt
The Stability of the Two Lands
The Making of a King
Proving the Unprovable
The Silent Evidence
The Morning Star Shines Again

8 The First Freemason
Hiram Abif Discovered
The Collapse of the Egyptian State
The Hyksos Kings
The Loss of the Original Secrets
The Biblical Evidence
The Murder of Hiram Abif
The Killers of Hiram Abif
The Physical Evidence
The Masonic Evidence
Seqenenre Tao the Fearless

9 The Birth of Judaism
Moses, the Law-giver
The War God of the Mountains of Sinai
And the Walls Came Tumbling Down
The Timing of the Exodus
David and Solomon

10 A Thousand Years of Struggle
The Early Jewish Nation
The Exile in Babylon
The Prophet of the New Jerusalem
Zerubbabel’s Temple
The New Threat to Yahweh

11 The Boaz and Jachin Pesher
The Dead Sea Scrolls
The Missing Books of Maccabee
The Elect of Judah
Midrash, Pesher and Parable
The Secrets of Qumran
The Twin Pillars

12 The Man Who Turned Water into Wine
The Race Against Time
The New Way to the Kingdom of God
The Arrest of the Kingly Pillar
The Trial and Crucifixion
The Symbols of Jesus and James
The Rise of the Liar
The Treasure of the Jews

13 The Resurrection
The Remnants of the Jerusalem Church
The ‘Heavenly Jerusalem’ Scroll
The Impact of the Nasorean Scrolls

14 The Truth Breaks Free
The Prophecy Becomes Truth
The Crucifixion
The Physical Evidence
The Message Breaks Out
The Land of the Star called La’Merika

15 The Lost Scrolls Rediscovered
The Scottish Sanctuary
Return to Rosslyn
Let There Be Light
The Lost Secret of Mark Masonry Rediscovered
The Lord Protector Who Protected Rosslyn
Beneath Solomon’s Seal
Excavating the Nasorean Scrolls


Appendix 1: The Development of Modern Freemasonry and Its Impact on the World
The English Reformation and the Conditions for Emergence
The King Who Built the Lodge System
The Architects of the Second Degree
The New Heresy
The Old Charges
The Rise of the Republicans
The Royal Society Emerges
Freemasonry Finds Its Feet
The Spread of Freemasonry
The Development of Masonry in America

Appendix 2: Pre-1710 Masonic Lodges in Scotland
with Date Of the First Recorded Mention

Appendix 3: Early Grand Masters of English Freemasonry

Appendix 4: Early Grand Masters of Scottish Freemasonry

Appendix 5: Chronology