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What Reiki Is To Me

Earl J. Violet
Reiki Master
Dragon Light Reiki
Usui Shiki Ryoho
Traditonal Usui Reiki


Earl J. Violet, RM

Reiki Healing Ideas

To me, Reiki is best described as intelligent or spiritually guided healing energy. I know it is guided by some intelligence higher than my own, as I am not that intelligent. I know that the energy comes from outside me and not from me because I don't feel depleted after a Reiki session. I feel energized from the energy flowing through me. Sometimes, I feel the energy flow through me. I also know that I do not personally have unlimited energy to share.

This Reiki intelligence doesn't control me or take over my body while I am doing a Reiki session. I have a free will and maintain control at all times. I can choose to follow the guidance of the Reiki energy or ignore it. I choose to follow this guidance to the best of my ability.

As I am attuned to Reiki, this intelligence and the higher or spiritual self of the person receiving the Reiki treatment communicates through me. My only contribution is being there as a conduit for Reiki at the time.

When I do Reiki, I have no agenda or specific goals in mind. I do not treat a specific disease or problem in the person. I conduct healing energy to a person's out of balance energy system. Reiki energy flows through me and does what it must where it must. Reiki knows. The energy tells me when it is finished working in an area by feeding back into me or in some way telling me that enough energy has been sent to that area. At times I am guided to do hand positions that aren't standard or variations of the standard hand positions. Other times I am guided to move my hands over an area, working in the aura instead of laying the hands directly on the body. I may be guided to draw Reiki symbols over or to mentally project Reiki symbols to an area of the body. I follow my intuition a lot.

Many say my treatments are very powerful. If this is true, I think it is because I allow Reiki and not my ego to work. The power comes from and is directed by my healing guides and Reiki and not me. Reiki and the healing guides working through me are very powerful. I am not. I am not proud of my healing ability. I am honored that I am allowed to participate in the healing process, no matter how small my part may be.

In distance healing, as in hands on, I allow the receiver to decide where the energy will go and what symbol or type of energy will be sent. I start with the contact symbol and feel my way, directed by the person's need for Reiki energy. I do not force and cannot force any symbol or a healing on a person for their own good.

At times I get sensations or insights into a person's condition, an interesting but unessential factor. I believe I must work without an agenda, letting Reiki guide me. The less I interfere or attempt to control the healing and healing energy, the better Reiki works.

I always allow and encourage the patient to move my hands, suggest different hand positions, or tell me when a hand position is uncomfortable. They may either talk or maintain silence. I usually don't speak to them unless I feel guided to or unless they wish me to. They are allowed to and encouraged to participate actively in their own healings. The healing is their healing, not mine. Through guidance, I attempt to bring out the positive and not the negative aspects of the healing situation. I try to be non-judgmental.

No matter how much I care for the well being of the person I am working with, I remain as detached as possible so as to not let my personal feelings interfere with the healing. No matter what is revealed in the healing, I attempt to remian detached.

The only ones who cannot receive a Reiki treatment are those who do not want it. Without the receiver's permission, not only is it unethical but it is impossible to give a Reiki treatment. One cannot use Reiki to violate another's freewill.

Reiki makes it possible to effectively treat oneself as well as others. This indicates, to me, that Reiki and the higher powers do not feel that it is necessary to sacrifice oneself to assist others. According to the overall scheme, under divine wisdom, it is acceptable and probably necessary for one to keep oneself well and healthy.

In summary, I am honored to be a conduit for spiritally guided healing energy and nothing more.


Reiki Energy

I am not sure what Reiki energy is but I feel it is vibrational energy of the same type as light, probably more akin to magnetism. This energy isn't confined to our four-dimensional physical model. It is trans-dimensional, working in dimensions not usually considered as real. There are no constraints as to time or space. Reiki can be sent anywhere in time or space. The energy arrives almost instantaneously. Reiki can be used to calm past, present or future happenings. It will not change things that aren't destined to be changed but will shape events for the greater good. It can help a person deal with past events or with upcoming situations.

I do not feel that Reiki interferes with Karma. If Reiki were to interfere with Karma, the spiritual self of the person receiving the treatment would not give permission. Reiki does not change Karmic lessons; it helps understand and learn them. It works with and not against Karma helping to further the purpose of the lessons, understanding and enlightenment.

The energy works on all levels; physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. it is not a magical cure for physical dis-ease, but often addresses the cause of the dis-ease at a higher level.

Reiki energy, I feel, is best defined as life force or universal love. This energy is available to all, if one knows how to and is willing to accept it. It can do no harm. It cannot be used to control. It can do nothing that is not in harmony with the universe and universal good.


Who Can Use Or Benefit From Reiki

Using or receiving Reiki requires no special spiritual attainments. The use of Reiki requires no cleansing or purification of spirit. Reiki has no special religious beliefs attached to it. There are no special psychic powers or talents needed to use Reiki. There are no special diets making Reiki more powerful. Ther are no extraordinary meditations required for the use of Reiki.

To use Reiki, all that is necessary is one be attuned to it. The attunement opens anyone to the Reiki energies. There is no limitation of age or gender or health.

To receive Reiki, all that is necessary is to be open and willing on a spiritual level to receive it. One doesn't even have to believe that Reiki will work.
