Elkhorn-Waterloo Assembly #38
Officers and Advisory Board
January 1999-July 1999
Officers Janurary 1999-July 1999
- Worthy Advisor-Tara Lawson
- Worthy Associate Advisor-Sarah Wilson
- Charity-Kelly Lucas
- Hope-Lindsey Gideon
- Faith-Alicia Wolford
- Recorder-Amanda Hyde PWA, PGR, Grand Service, Grand Cross
- Treasurer-Elizabeth Imig PWA, Grand Chaplain, Grand Cross
- Chaplain-Meagan Lassiter
- Drill Leader-Melissa Olson
- Love-Sarah Payne
- Religion-Katrina Lumb
- Nature-Jessica Mitchell
- Immortality-Kendra Johnson JPWA
- Fidelity-Stephanie Baird
- Patriotism-Hannah Hansen-Davis
- Service-Mindy Lucas PWA, PGR, Past Grand Nature, Grand Cross
- Confidential Observer-Sierra Foley
- Outer Observer-Rebecca Olson
- Musician-Magan Wiedel PWA, Past Grand Musician Grand Representative to Iowa and New Jersey, Grand Cross
- Choir Director-Katie Chadwell PWA, PGR, Grand Cross
- Choir-Breyana Reznicek, Amber Lunecke, Sherry McKinney PWA
Mother Advisors and Rainbow Dads
- Mrs. Denise Hyde-Mother Advisor
- Mrs. Marcia Imig-Mother Advisor PWA PGR
- Mr. Allan Rolfs-Rainbow Dad
- Mr. Ervin Imig-Rainbow Dad
Advisory Board Members 1999
- Mrs. Denise Hyde Mother Advisor, Grand Cross
- Mrs. Marcia Imig PWA, PGR, Grand Cross, Mother Advisor
- Mr. Ervin Imig Rainbow Dad, Grand Cross
- Miss. April Scott PWA, PGR, Grand Cross
- Bonnie Rolfs Grand Cross
- Allan Rolfs Grand Cross, Rainbow Dad
- Betty Gideon Grand Cross
- Bonny Ueckert Grand Cross (deceased April 1999)
- Cynthia Timmermeir-Worthy Matron Luna Chapter #169
- Harold Chadwell-Worshipful Master Waterloo Lodge #102, Grand Cross
- Diane Moats-PWA, PGR, Grand Cross
Our Supreme Assembly Members 1999
- Mrs. Mary Muhs-Supreme Worthy Advisor
- Mrs. Thelma Domingo-Supreme Deputy
- Mrs. Hazel Frost-Past Supreme Inspector-Member House of Gold
- Mrs. Betty Garwood-Traveling Mom
Our Grand Members
- Jennifer Moser-Grand Worthy Advisor
- Mrs. Bev Donham-Grand Deputy-Member of Grand Executive Board
Elkhorn-Waterloo Assembly #38 Grand Family Members
- Elizabeth Imig-Grand Chaplain
- Amanda Hyde-Grand Service
- Magan Wiedel-Grand Representative to Iowa and New Jersey
- Alicia Wolford-Assistant Grand Outer Observer
Our Elkhorn-Waterloo Assembly #38 Grand Worthy Advisors
Other Pages About Us
Home Page
1999 Holiday Message
1998 Holiday Message
Officers and Advisory Board January 2000
Officers and Advisory Board July 1999
Officers and Advisory Board January 1999
Officers and Advisory Board July 1998
Our Grand Family 2000-2001
Our Grand Family 1999-2000
Our Grand Family 1998-1999
Schedule and Activities for January 1999-July 1999
July 1998 Term Schedule
Membership Information
History of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls
Links to Rainbow Assemblies Around the World
Links to Job's Daughter's Sites
Links to DeMolay Sites
Links to Eastern Star Sites
Worthy Advisor's Pages
Katie Chadwell's Page
Mindy Lucas' Page
Magan Wiedel's Page
Amanda Hyde's Page
Elizabeth Imig's Page
Kendra Johnson's Page
Tara Lawson's Page
Sarah Wilson's Page
Elizabeth Imig and Amanda Hyde's Term
Lindsey Gideon's Page
Alicia Wolford's Page
Pages Just for Fun
Cookie Jar Recipe Page
Rainbow Rick's Ranch and Adoption Center
Rainbow Rick's Holiday Adoption Center
Sign My Guestbook
View My Guestbook
please sign our guest book or email us so we know you visited us
Visit our holiday pages
Halloween 1998/
Thanksgiving 1998/
Christmas 1998/
Christmas 1998 page2/
Christmas 1998 page3/
New Year 99/
Valentine's Day 1999/
Patrick's Day 1999/
Easter Fun 1999/
Easter page 2/
Mother's Day 1999/
Father's Day 1999/
Fourth of July 1999/
Halloween 1999/
Thanksgiving 1999/
New Year 2000/
Valentine's Day 2000/
Halloween 2007/
Thanksgiving 2007/
New Year 2008/
Valentine's Day 2008/
President's Day 2008/
St Patrick's Day 2008/
Easter 2008/
Visit Luna Chapter 169
Visit Luna Chapter 169
Luna Chapter Pages
All About Us
Luna Chapter Home Page
Luna Chapter News 2008
Luna Chapter 2008 Schedule
Tribute to Our 50 Year Members
Past Matrons - Past Patron Terms
Sue Hedges and Ervin Imig 2008
Amanda Hyde Kloke - Ervin Imig 2007
Elizabeth Imig - Ervin Imig 2006
Sharron Gilson - Allan Rolfs 2005
April Scott - Robert Attebery 2004
Our Worthy Grand Patron
Robert Attebery, Worthy Grand Patron 2001-2002

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