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Club Features
- Open 2m repeater, located 12 miles west of Sidney, along Interstate 80. Join us on 146.97- (w0afg)
- Monthly meetings, third Tuesday each month (except July and December) at 7:30 p.m.
- Monthly newsletter: available by snail mail for SASE, or submit email address.
- Weekly net, Sunday evenings at 8:30 p.m. on two meters (146.97 -)
- Public Service activities include providing communications to local groups during special events, as well as disaster and emergency services.
- Serving western Nebraska and northeastern Colorado
- Membership only $10 per year!
- Regular activities include Field Day in June, annual picnic in August and Thanksgiving potluck social in November. Everyone is welcome!
Club president WA0CBK pours more gasoline into the generator at the Field Day site by Cabela's. (Photo by W0PHA)
Click on photo to see more scenes from Field Day.
(Note: If you do not see a photo, click here to go to the next picture.)