Brian's intros to live songs
words in parentheses with question marks are indecipherable
- "This is a public safety message. Everyone should drink at least one pint of water every hour because we don't want anybody over-heating. We all know that the average body temperature is 37.5 degrees, this song is 36 Degrees..."
- "This is a song about how hot the weather was today at about 9 o'clock in the morning..."
before 36 Degrees
- "When you're on tour you start missing the strangest things. You start to miss your mom but then you also begin to sneeze and then you realize that you're simply allergic to thoughts of mom..."
- "...it's about wishin' for all things you never had..."
before Allergic (To Thoughts Of Mom)
- "This song's about a robot fuck, it's called Bionic..."
- "Some of you tonight are going to go home with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Some of you who are lucky and good looking may just go home with a rock star. But those of you who go home alone should remember that there is always an 8 inch object made of plastic and with a motor that will never let you down. This is Bionic..."
- "From the new school, to the old school..."
before Bionic
- "And now for something more cheerful..."
- (right after the "everyone is gay" part of Nirvana's All Apologies) "Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen, thank you. We're Placebo. Now, it's to, uh, it came to our attention that the organizers of the festival had to sign a contract with the mayor of this district to say that they would not promote anything that has to do with homosexuality, which as far as we're concerned is a bunch of fucking bullshit, so this is for the mayor of this district, the homophobic twat that he is...."
before Black-Eyed
- "I want to dedicate this song to Marilyn Manson because he gives the best blowjob I ever had..."
- "Never fuck with someone who is built like a brick... shit... house..."
before Brick Shithouse
- "It has now come to the point of the show to declare, there are some bruises that never go away..."
- "This is for all you bleeding hearts..."
- "So we spent the afternoon at Top Of The Pops today and we almost didn't make it to the show because there was this band called No Mercy who just could not get it right so we'd like to dedicate this song to No Mercy and this is the song that we played this afternoon..."
before Bruise Pristine
- "I lived in Luxembourg for a number of years. Take my word for it, don't go to Luxembourg, just drive through. This song's about being in the wrong place at the wrong time..."
- "A long, long, way from here is a place called Luxembourg. And there lives a very, very, sad guy. This is a song about being in the wrong place at the wrong time..."
before Burger Queen
- "This is a song about bad lifestyle choices, bad (monitors?), and friendship..."
before Commercial For Levi
- "This is a song for my very, very good friend, Mr. Paul Campion; this is the The Crawl..."
before The Crawl
- "This is NOT a song about cross-dressing, but still we call it Drag..."
before Drag
- "When you go to the movies maybe you'll hear this song. Then again, maybe you won't..."
- "This is a song we HAVE played live before..."
before Every You Every Me
- "Ice Cube said check yourself before you wreck yourself, Placebo say hang on to your IQ..."
- "This is a song from our first album that we hardly ever play anymore. It's a bit of a cautionary tale. It's also an acid lullaby..."
before Hang On To Your IQ
- "Now, this is a special song for all of you reggae fans out there. I'm sure you'll appreciate it..."
before Haemoglobin
- "Now, if you wonder around your local FNAC store after this little show, and you look for the section that says 'Big Star', well, it's not us! (laughs) Pick up a little album called 'Sister Lovers'. On that album, you'll find this track, and it's called Holocaust..."
before Holocaust
- "(some stuff I couldn't catch) I'd like to dedicate this one to Fred and Brittany. It's called I'll Be Yours..."
before I'll Be Yours
- "They say romance is back in fashion, they say that kitsch is back in fashion..."
- "This song is what we call brand spankin' new..."
before Kitsch Object
- "Lady of the Flowers, they've been dead for hours, interflora, 'cause I adore ya..."
before Lady of the Flowers
- "This is a love story of no consequence what so ever..."
- "This is song we've never played live before. It's a futuristic S&M love story. And it's called Leni..."
before Leni
- "This is another song we've never played live before. It's a song about Elvis dying on the toilet and it's from the point of view of his guardian angel, who's called Little Mo..."
before Little Mo
- "This song is a James Bond song..."
before Miss Moneypenny
- "Remember, the greatest feeling you can ever know is to love, and be loved in return..."
- "This is a song about a very dark period in all of our lives. You'll be glad to know that we're very better now, thank you!..."
- after the song ended, Bri added... "Since we wrote that, I've always thought about the lovers who sit in their bedrooms and sing that to each other. If only they knew what the song is actually saying, but we're not going to that."
before My Sweet Prince
- "Stevie Beanie Bouchon on drums wants you to know that he loves you, and he doesn't hand out complements like that very lively. Now, some people say that this is the best song that we ever wrote and we say BULL S-H-I-T!..."
- "The prophet is a fool, and the religious man is mad. For the multitude of your inequity and the great hatred, this is Nancy Boy..."
- "This one's for you, sweetheart..."
before Nancy Boy
- "Everyday in our lives we are forced to conform to ideals of beauty and that's kind of fucking bullshit as far as I'm concerned. This is a song about this (stuff?) and it's called Plasticine..."
before Plasticine
- "People have the wrong conception about what Placebo is. They think we're about sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll... What we like to do is waltz..."
- "You gonna waltz with me, babies; huh?..."
before Protect Me From What I Want
- "I'd like to encourage every single one of you to say no to drugs..."
- "This is a very famous song, this is a very stupid song! This song's talking about friends..."
before Pure Morning
- "We are about to enter into a zone of complete political incorrectness..."
- "This is not about us, this is about you..."
before Slackerbitch
- "This is our new single, Slave... well... it's coming out soon anyway. It's called Slave To The Wage..."
- "Don't follow leaders, watch your parking meters..."
- "Don't work for the man, don't work on Maggie's fucking farm..."
- (prior to the slower keyboard version) "I don't know how many of you actually used to go to church or still go to church. I know I certainly did, so we're gonna go back there for a little while. This reminds me of going to church but it's got a very different message than the one that Jesus preaches."
before Slave to the Wage
- "This is NOT a song about a breakfast cereal!..."
- "This song's about that feeling you get in your stomach when you look across a crowded room and you fall hopelessly in love and that's the beginning of the end..."
before Special K
- "This is one of my personal favorites..."
- "You know what it's like when you have a one night stand and somebody won't leave? This is what this song is about. It's called Second Sight... Oh no, you're right... Sorry, Steve's right, I'm wrong... Should we do Special Needs, or should we do Second Sight?... (some words i didn't catch)... You know what it's like when you have a one night stand and somebody doesn't want to leave? Well this song has nothing to do with that..."
before Special Needs
- (prior to a jazzy version when Brian plays the sax) "This is the first instrument I ever learned how to play, and I learned to play it very badly. Every few years I take it out of it's box and assassinate jazz. I think you'll recognize this one..."
before Taste In Men
- "How many people here had to get permission to come here from their parents? Raise your hands. This song's for you..."
- "This is to all the people who had to ask their parents if they could see us tonight..."
- "This one's going out to the Eighties Matchbox B-line Disaster, here's to Colour Of Fire, to Little Hell and to The Faint, all the bands that have played with us on this tour. Buy their records. Don't download them otherwise they won't be able to make any records anymore; remember. This is Teenage Angst..."
- "This is another old number, it's called Teenage Angst..."
before Teenage Angst
- "There's an old story that somebody told me once about James Dean. For those of you who don't know this yet, James Dean was gay, okay?--yes I'm sorry it's true--and he had a particular fetish where he'd like to have cigarettes stubbed out on his chest. That's kind of an image that's always kinda stayed with me and part of the inspiration for this song--this is called This Picture..."
before This Picture
- "Remember Jesus loves you... and Steve loves you too. So here's a band without whom we wouldn't exist. A song by a band without whom Nirvana would not exist. A song by a band without which my(?) music would be Gareth Gates. They're called the Pixies. This song is called Where Is My Mind..."
before Where Is My Mind?
- "Since it's night time we're gonna slow the pace down a little bit; we're gonna go from the new school to the old school..."
- "And tonight Matthew, Stefan will be David Bowie..."
- "We're gonna go back in time..." -Stef
before Without You I'm Nothing
- "This song's for Ultrasound, it's how they feel about you..."
- "We are Placebo, this is You Don't Carrrre..."
- "Seems to me that the time to teeny-bop is here once more..."
before You Don't Care About Us
please email dreamplacebo@yahoo.com if you find an error or have any Placebo song intros to add.
my many thanks to David B., Daisy, and Nyx for submitting song intros!
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