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EAW Columns "Ravings From The Extreme Genius" By Paul Heyman
NEW Quote Of The...Whatever: "NEVER underestimate a crazy person in the seat of power." -- Stone Cold Steve Austin, about Invisible Booker Blaine.
Thank you for visiting, come back soon!

Updates for August 23rd, 2004
The new, and still under construction, The New EAW Webpage is up! Check it out, since you won't see many updates here... Check out the long-delayed results for nWo Extreme Zone now! Max Stygian takes on Nexus! Dude Love and Rash settle a personal issue in the ring! In his final EAW match, Kane takes on Molly! Akiko faces off against Fasha--is it the end of the Extremists already? Finally, in the main event, Michael and Oseiko hook up as a united nWo team against the American Angels! A shocking development at the end of the show! Check it out!
The Results for High Calibur are up! Dude Love made his EAW debut against Grandmaster Sexay! Marianna and Atlantis fought each other in a Japanese Schoolgirl Outfit Bra and Panties match (WHOO HOO!). Erica Angel continued to try and prove herself by taking on the EAW/nWo Champion Michael Connelly! And in the main, a 12-Man Battle Royal for the newly made nWo Trans-Global Championship! Check it out! The Friday Night Riot Rulz results are up! The returns of Arana and Ryokami (uh-oh) to the ring happened, as Ryokami faced Krise and Arana faced a new, unknown superstar. Aria and Arianna took on the Girls of Goth--with a special guest referee? The Hurricane took on Nova in one-on-one action...or did he?! J.C. Stone took on the head of nWo Classic in one on one action in the main event! Check it out!
Updated by: EAW Booking Committee |
EAW Events
Tuesday/Wednesday Mayhem
Friday/Saturday Riot Rulz
High Calibur
nWo Extreme Zone
Missed a show?
PPV Information
Stay tuned for details on the next Pay Per View...
EAW's Poll of the Week! Updated! Should Akiko be doing the movie she's working on?
Contact EAW Staff:
Booker Seijimei
Booker Waters
Invisible Booker Blaine blaine@carolina.rr.com
President Ric Flair

Want to become an affiliate?
July 12, 2000
All created images and original names seen on this page can not be used without the consent of President Ric Flair.
(I got connections... WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!)