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1958 Senior Class Will

We the Senior class of Decatur High School of the city of Decatur, County of Burt, and the state of Nebraska, being of unbalanced mind and no memory whatsoever, do hereby make, publish and declare this to be our last will and testament, leaving to our undeserving underclassmen our cherished possessions.
To the Faculty:
Mr Peters: We will all of our hours after school.
Mr Hill: We will all of our hair, he sure needs it.
Mr Kessinger: We will all of our worn out straight jackets.
Mrs McCluskey: We will all of our overdue make-up slips.
Mr Highes: We will our "I don't knows."
Mrs Haatvedt: We will all our trips to Omaha in Mr Peters' car.

To the Freshmen, we will our strength.
To the Sophomores, we will our ability to try and laugh at Mr Hill's jokes, hoping we will pass.
To the Juniors we will the following:
I, Richard Bowman will my curly hair to Nancy Sears.
I, Lonnie Brewer will my banana peelings to Neal Lesley.
I, Orville Crom will the overgrowth on my waist line to Denny Peterson.
I, George Davis will my sexy hair-do to Marilyn Maslonka.
I, Julie Drummond will my ability to get out of dictation in shorthand class to Roberta Humphrey.
I, Larry Gallup will my wrestling ability to Evelyn Lenig.
I, Paul Gallup will my athletic ability to Neal Lesley.
I, Don Gatewood will all my "A's" to Denny Peterson.
I, Jimmy Huffman will the leak in my right front tire to Rex Sears.
I, Sarah Jobeun will my ability to go with (single) men to Judy nelson.
I, Connie Keeran will my laugh to Marilyn Maslonka.
I, Bob Kellogg will my build to Neal Lesley.
I, Jim Palmer will my long hair to Elmer Ketterman.
I, Enid Penny will my trips to West Point and Beemer to Juanita Smith.
I, Joe Walter will my Winstons and Ivy Leagues to Bob Redding.
* * * * *

'58 Class Prophecy

Decatur, Nebraska
February 21, 1969

Dear Sod,
On one of my trips to Denver, Colorado, taking a load of furniture for Glen Miller, I happened to run into our old coach from good old DHS. I asked him about my classmates of '58 and this is what he told me:
Lonnie Brewer is now the janitor at Lyons, Nebraska and has a red head as an assistant.
Orville Crom is still driving his old GMC pickup to school and hasn't missed a day yet.
George Davis is now the president of the cool hair cut club.
Julie Drummond, after patrolling the streets for two years, was finally appointed head of the Highway Patrol.
Paul Gallup, after hunting for so long, was chosen Champion Duck Caller of the Nation.
Larry Gallup, after following in his uncle's footsteps, is now the Superintendent of Decatur High.
Don Gatewood has now taken over his dad's business and is really freezing things up.
Jim Huffman has now taken over Bob Holman's job and says the hair cutting business is really great.
Sarah Jobeun, after her father sold the Pool Hall, she is now smoking Bull Durham.
Connie Keeran is still riding in an old cream colored Chevie with all the little Andersons.
Bob Kellogg has now started his own Cigarette Mouching Association in Decatur.
Enid Penny is now married to (Bob) and says it's cheaper by the dozen.

Well, Sod, that is about all I have to say and I sure hope you make out on your new job as Dance Contractor for the Bertha Hall.
Yours truly,
Joe Walter
* * * * *
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