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We, the Senior Class of 1959, being of sound mind do hereby declare this our last will & testament:

To the faculty, we will all of our marked books, used paper, and pencil stubs.
To the Freshmen, we will our ability to get “A’s” in Mr. Zimmerman’s class.
To the Sophomores, we will our ability to chew gym in the Study Hall.
To the Juniors, we will the following:

I, Roberta Humphrey, will my streamlined figure to Joyce Crom.
I, Clarence Brockway, will my ability to play hookey to Larry Ferguson.
I, Denny Peterson, will my ways of irritating the teachers to Gene French.
I, Neal Lesley, will my long, beautiful legs to Neta Hightree.
I, Judy Nelson, will my figure to Sue Farrens.
I, Marilyn Maslonka, will all my trips to Onawa to Bonnie Gallup.
I, Rex Sears, will my athletic ability to Leon Anderson.
I, Evelyn Lenig, will my ability to get along with boys to Jeanette Ferguson.
I, Roberta Humphrey, will my little feet to Sam Harmer.
I, Clarence Brockway, will my third study hall to Lyle Larsen.
I, Denny Peterson, will my high hurdling ability to Paul Brewer.
I, Neal Lesley, will all my empty beer cans to Gary Warren.
I, Judy Nelson, will my hopped-up Henry J. to Judy Hightree.
I, Marilyn Maslonka, will my Indian friend to Marcia Randlet.
I, Rex Sears, will my strawberry malts to Raymond Warren.
I, Evelyn Lenig, will my hog calling ability to Alice Dunlap.
I, Clarence Brockway, will my curly hair to Scot Farrens.
I, Judy Nelson, will my straight A’s to Dorothy Anderson.
I, Evelyn Lenig, will my ability to control my temper to Phil Hanson.
I, Denny Peterson, will my cute little blush to Peggy Huffman.

1959 Prophecy

Dear Neal,

When Chuck and I were passing through Lincoln on our honeymoon, we ran into Mr. Hughes, who had the Decatur Basketball Team in the finals of the State Tournament. I asked him about our old classmates and this is what he told me:

CLARENCE BROCKWAY, after touring the country-side for so long, has finally settled down. He is a successful barber in Topeka, Kansas.

ROBERTA HUMPHREY, is now working in Omaha, and the poor kid is still trying to gain weight.

DENNY PETERSON, finally got a position with the New York Yankees. He is the bat boy’s water boy, but is working his way up.

JUDY NELSEN, is still going to school, and she still has to push her little blue bug to get it started.

REX SEARS is a high-ranking officer in the United States Marine Corps.

EVELYN LENIG now holds the Women’s World Record in the one hundred yard dash, but she still can’t catch Butch Epling.

Well, Neal, I’ll be closing for now. By the way, how is business in your little tavern at Stevens, S.D.?

Yours truly,
Marilyn Maslonka

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