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Amalgamated Regional High School Reunion 2000

Visit the 2010 Reunion Website here

Come join us on July 28, 29 and 30, 2000!!
Plans are underway to hold a reunion of all students who attended the Amalgamated Regional High School in Corner Brook during the years 1957 through 1966. Join all your old friends in your old home town in the millennium year!

Because plans for the reunion were late getting started, we would really appreciate it if you would let us know as soon as possible if you are interested in attending. And please spread the word! We cannot possibly expect to make individual contact with everyone.

The World Cup Triathlon is being held in Corner Brook from July 21 - 30, 2000, so make your reservations soon and plan to take in some of these world class events as well. What a great way to celebrate the Millennium!!


Gladys Batten (White)

Donna Anstey

Beth Goosney



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Reunion Weekend Experiences: Click to View or Add Text.


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From our Yearbooks


Attention Former Teachers

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Registration List

Reunion Weekend Agenda

World Cup Triathlon 2000 (It's free to add your name, but this is not a registration for the reunion)

City of Corner Brook

Western Newfoundland Visitors and Convention Bureau

Downhomer Magazine

Monday, March 10, 2025

This site designed and maintained by Florence (Babstock) Hayter Email me
Guardian of the Password is Bob Diamond

Credit for the animated graphics goes to the unknown designers that make them available to be used on webpages like this one. We thank them for permitting us to bring our memories to life.