If this website seems a bit slow or if the pictures don't download properly, first write down our site address, and then try one of these three things:

  1. reboot your computer; sometimes when our site will not work well for me, I try rebooting my computer and logging back on and it works great.
  2. come back to our site after peak periods; I guess that means from evening until noon the next day.
  3. come back with a DSL or cable modem.  Hopefully there is a library, Kinko's or internet cafe with high speed internet close to where you live.

I'm thinking that angelfire randomly penalizes computers that have either low resources or slow connection speeds depending on the resources that angelfire can handle.  If their are a lot of users (like at 3:00pm) angelfire will mess up for people with the slowest computers first.  Then it will move on to the next slowest and so on.  Anyone who cares to correct me on this, add anything or if you are having problems even with high speed access (hell - any reason at all) please e-mail me at brewbayou@hotmail.com 


Click here to visit surreal artist Nathan Fiveash





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