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Sheldon's Homepage

Pics of My Beretta
Other Pics of My Beretta
Kick Ass Pics of Trev's Car
Other Kick Ass Pics of Trev's Car
Pics of Lee's Monty
Other Pics of Lee's Monty
Pics of My Aunt's Firebird
Pics of My Dog Kato
Pics of My Dog and Me
Pics of Kenny's Z24
Some Ford Jokes, and a few Links

Welcome to my homepage.This is not a big fancy page but it's a place for me to show off a few pictures, mainly of cars, and also to show off some other important things in my life.The cars are all stock , but theres a few good lookers here.

I'm sorry that some pictures are slow loading, please wait I think they are worth it. It's still under construction but I hope that you like it anyway. PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!!!!

( "Ford, at least they circled the problem" )

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Here's a sneak peak at my new Beretta GT , Click on the picture of her to visit my new Beretta site, and see the work that I have put into this car.