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Welcome to Nate's Choice Awards!! Nowdays there are many sites that are on the web that never get awards. It is not because they have bad sites. They have wonderful sites. It is just that they are not noticed. They don't have thousands of visitors a day! My awards are here to stop that!! I personally stop at every site that is nominated for my awards. From there I judge the site. I mainly judge on design and content! So with that in mind I would like to present to you my awards.

Golden Choice Award
The Golden Choice Award is our highest honor!! It is pretty hard to receive this award. Not only does your site have to good design and content but your site also needs to have a good purpose. The Golden Choice Award is never given to personal sites nor businesses!! This award is mainly for Non-Profit sites and for webmasters that have put their heart into their web site!!

Gold Web Excellence Award
The Gold Web Excellence Award is given to personal and business sites who show hard work and dedication on their website. This award is our 2nd highest award honor to win!

Silver Choice Award

Nate's Silver Choice Award is given to websites that have good content and layout. These types of sites are more for specific people on the web. (example: Fietzer Family Online Newsletter) They have a great purpose but really aren't for everyone on the web. They are designed for particular people.

To apply for any of my awards please read the criteria by clicking on the button below!



Strong Tower Design Copyright ©2000


My Award has been listed with the following award serch engines!

The Award GalleryMill Awards