Nick's Bio
- Full Name: Nickolas Gene Carter
- Birthdate: January 28, 1980
- Birthplace: Jamestown, New York
- Eye Color: Blue
- Hair Color: Blonde
- Height: 6'1"
- Weight: 180 lbs
- Nicknames: Frack, Chaos, Mr. Hyper Man
- Star Sign: Aquarius
- Family: Father: Robert, Mother: Jane, Sisters: BJ, and Leslie, Twin Brother and Sister: Aaron and Angel
- Favorite Food: Pizza
- Favorite Color: Green
- Favorite Movie: Aliens
- Favorite Music: Journey and Nirvana
- Favorite Cologne: Gravity
- Favorite TV Show: Mad About You
- Favorite Sport: Basketball
- Favorite Music Instrument: Drums
- Worst Habit: He bites his nails.
- Fact: He is a licensed scuba diver.
- Hobbies: Boating, fishing, drawing, playing video games.
- Odd Fact: When Nick was little he was accidentaly locked in a car. Luckily, his mom got him out.
- Indulgences: Buying Nintendo games and things for his family.
- Personality: Nick thinks he's shy, funny and sometimes childish.
Email: LinzRulz116@aol.com