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Good bye Adoring Master,

Yes i'll think about You now and then, but i'll fight the pain, O/our lives are now, and W/we can never go back again, W/we'll never know what might have been. Something seperated U/us on the path, O/our journey ended, Outside forces held no respect for O/our union and in trusting You i was left behind. W/we are not the same T/two that W/we were. my innocence is gone, i can never again trust blindly in Your guidance, never again walk in pure love with You. my hope has faded, my love no longer able to find that pure blind trust it once knew for You. my heart knows the truth as does Yours and in time that truth will show itself, but sadly the damage is already done. So very much lost by the hand of selfish desire, so much lack of character by those outside who chose to interfer, so much weakness in breath of promises of strength. So much ended that day, parts of B/both of U/us died and can never be revived. Too much has happened, too much hurt, too much trust lost, too much respect taken away.

i am not as sure of the future as You, much of my faith and ability to trust has been broken, but my spirit will live on inspite of the realization that not all are of the character they portray. i know my soft heart will return and i will not let the advantage taken by one offered my kindness, prevent me from showing kindness to another. i know i showed love and compassion and though it hurts deeply to know it was taken only as a means, my heart prays it will be able to be that person who loves and helps again.

be well Adoring Master and slave ?

walk in truth and light

trust and honesty

with my prayer outside forces will not once again be so interfering and tempting

treasure/gentle kianie/bound_beauty

Master Rainmaker,

Thank You for all You have shown me. Thank You for holding me in Your arms, for caring enough to persist. For coming to me when i needed You. For not making promises left unkept, For being honest about Who You are and what You desire. For being clear about what You expect of me. For giving this one hope again, that there are those Who can be trusted. i hope i can prove myself worthy of all You have given me.

i hope i can make You proud.

Your bound beauty



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