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The Whip...


" dance slave " His command

hanging her head in shame she whispers, " a girl can not dance Master Night Falkon" she stands terrified

"you will dance, slave" His response, His whip slicing the air only a fingers width from her thigh


she stands trembling as He tosses the whip and it lands in the hands of one she thinks must be a giant... tears began to well in her eyes as her heart begins to pound, she falls to her knees begging ...

He looks down on her and smiles, in a quiet demanding voice says only, "dance slave!!!" and He closes His palms sending a crash of thunder through to her core.

Terrified, in one fluid motion, she rises running to the center of the room with the grace of a seasoned dancer, she catches the pole which stands there firmly fixed, twisting her body gracefully around it she silently sinks to her knees, her eyes wide and pleading never moving from this giant with the whip...


she hears the whip, feels it's sting as it grazes past her harder and faster than she has ever known it to fall, her body springing to full stance in fear and shock, her hands grip the pole one leg sweeping through the air followed by the other as she changes direction and begins to run, her eyes, wild yet pleading, her heart pounding matching the beat of the drums she is suddenly all too aware of as they pound steady....


suddenly the whip lands before her catching the glimmering slave bells about her ankle, her body rolling into itself as she falls backward, rolling to her feet landing gracefully her body commanded to follow as once again she runs hands before her face fingers spread searching for escape, the muscles of her slave belly taught, her movements desperate yet graceful, a small helpless animal trapped by the mighty hunter, searching for escape, the drums beating faster and faster,


again the whip falls, she feels the sting as it grazes her delicate skin, she feels the slave in her come alive, as her arms reach to the heavens, her long shapely leg flexing as she rises to her toe, the other bent gracefully propelling her faster and faster, as the drum beats speed seemingly into one solid tone, her flowing dark hair catching the glow of the lamps the red of it flaming as she spins.


she hears the whip, then feels it coil around her waist, her spinning body binding her tighter and tighter, the drums stop as she feels her body hit an object immobile, she gazes upward into the dark eyes of this giant who torments her, she feels His power over her as her body goes limp,


the whip cracks again as she twirls to the center of the room catching the pole, the whip stinging her flesh as she reaches it's end, her body taking flight as it whirls defiantly around the pole, a shapely leg jetting out to her side as the other with muscles flexed pulls delicately to her knee, she lands gracefully her hands pressed firmly to the floor, defiant, her eyes blazing, the blue of them deep dark as the ocean...


she feels the beat of the drums settle into her slaves belly, as she rolls to avoid the whip, laying on her belly hands firmly to the floor at her sides in one final show of defiance, she presses herself to her feet, closing her eyes she feels the drum beat calling as her hips begin to sway, her belly moving as a cobra ready to strike, her delicate hands caressing the curve of her waist, her hair swinging wildly as her head moves to the quickening beat of the drums, her slaves passion to strong to be subdued awakening, entangled in the beat of the drums she moves faster and faster, breaking free, still fighting she leaps in one graceful movement as she strains to escape, not knowing if she tries to escape the whip or her passion....


the whip lands once more wrapping around her shapely ankle, it is finished, she feels herself drawn to Him, as liquid poured from a vessel she dramatically falls to the floor at His feet rolling to her back, open and vulnerable, her hands at her sides the delicate white palms facing up to the three moons in total submission. she hears Him chuckle as she rolls her head to the side, ready to be taken. the fire in her belly, igniting the passion that rages within her she hears only "yes, you are slave"... His words grab her very soul, her slave belly burning with the desire of slave, she quietly whispers... "yes Master"

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