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Hey Everyone this page includes pictures of my college friends! D3E!!

ABOVE: My Texas Cowboy

ABOVE: Another of my sexy southern boy.

ABOVE: Tex, Kyle and Cuz OH MY!!

ABOVE: Luke with a clam tongue!

ABOVE: My marine Chaser came to visit me! It was nice to see him!

ABOVE: Eric chillin in the Student Village Caff .

ABOVE: Jason, Thea and Tex. Thea is working on a toga!

ABOVE: Group pic on my bed! Steve, Thea, Jason, Hollywood, Tex, Me and Chaser .

ABOVE: Sarah, a.k.a Hollywood

ABOVE: Ian!!

ABOVE: Pregnant Ian!!


ABOVE: Thea, Thea the Theif, Mom, T, BIG T, she goes by many names!

ABOVE: My boy Tex and I