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Just Another Page


Last updated December 22, 1998. All new text is at the bottom!, after the intial stuff! well kinda. i decided to delete a thing or two and stuff. and nwo new stuff is within these * beasts! got me? good! now on to the rambles Another useless page on the internet for you to gaze upon. My other page is starting to bore me so I decided to make this fine piece of boredom. {See, i just don't have the Heart to delete my other one!! *sniffle*} But anyways... Name is Michelle. I'm 16!!! humble years old. I live in New Hampshire. I love music but I hate certain people in this world at this moment. I'm not even gonna make a friends page at this point because I really can't tell who my friends are at this point *oops i guess my opinion changed on that now didn't it? hehe*. I hate school, *but now i'm a MIGHTY JUNIOR with her license who cruzes around all the time doing dull ass stuff that would bore even a snail*. My mom thinks I'm smart, but I know that I'm just a damn good guesser!! I play soccer, a lot. I've only gotten seriously hurt like once, and that happend sophomore year. My first black eye. And fracture to my skull!! It sucked, trust me. I know I am babbling, but if you don't like it, go away. You came here obviously because you wanted to learn something about me right? Well Your learning correct? Thats what I thought... But, I hate basketball! At my school, if you don't play your nothing, but if your good, your a god. I can play, just don't feel like being under that much stress at this point in my life!! I have enough stress!! School alone could kill me with all the work I have to do!! I hate possers and wanna be's. Be yourself, you weren't put here to be like your fathers moms sister godfather, right? You were put here to be YOU!!! You only have one chance at life, so use it wisely. Don't be a pot head or anything non-cool like that though, pot and drugs and alcohol are stupid. I feel very strongly about that. I mean, I totally understand if a person has tried em or whatever, but try living a life with an alcholic parent who thinks they're not. *but i'm getting more used to it considering most of my friends do it... whatever!* it stinks. and even though you don't see the other one, ever, they are one too, it's the reason you don't have to parents. It's reality folks. And if you say pot isn't addictive, then you've been brainwashed by your peers. I bet all you reading this think I'm a geek huh? Actually, I just know where I'm headed in life, unlike many people out there. *well i KINDA know where i'm headed* But enough about that for now. I'm a diabetic too!! Thats another one of those stressful things in my world. But, I am surviving, even if it is just barely. I love my grandmother. She is my mom really. shes there for me no matter how much of a pest I'm being, unlike my real mother. We don't exactly get along anymore. I don't understand why she feels she has to lie to me, but that is one of the 8 myseteries of the world, to me that is. *we DO get along a bti better lately. i guess i'm just growing up* I go to a camp called Camp Carefree, a diabetic camp. I love all the people there. Especially Bethany, Leah, Caitlin, Justine, Matt the counsoler, Super Seema, Nick, and about a million others. I miss it sooo much, so if you ever talk to me and I say something about it, just go with it, sometimes I get in these moods where I just miss them sooo much!! It drives me insane!! What else to talk about... hmmm. Why do parents feel they HAVE to have someone, like another guy, in there lives? Take my mom for example, she's been in soo many shitty relationships, they might as well call her the shit queen. And guess what!?! She's dating again!! At least 2 nights a week. It'll only be a few more weeks till he moves in *blah* She knows how I feel about her dating, but does it stop her? Hell no, AND, she brings two little children into the picture too, which totally bugs me. Speak of the devil, Jeff is here!! Not that I don't like Jeff, but my mom could care less if I did or didn't. *well jeff is sooo out of the story, and now mom is dating a really rad guy named sean, he's really nice. i dunno how she snagged him but i'm not complaining* Only 1 1/2 years before I go to college and I move outta here!! YIPEEE... I'd like to say, on a happier note, that I'm glad Jim Bob is my friend forever!! I love you man!! *hugs* He read this page see, and wrote a nice little e-mail to me!! Totally made me smile... Have you ever fought with your best friend before? If you did, did you ever lose him/her? I did, it sucks. *enough* Music is a good thing. Jim Morrison is a good thing, actually he's a god. Oringina is a good thing, as is originality!! The first sip of Power Aid is my favorite, otherwise I can't stand it. AIDS is a bad thing... Did you know AIDS comes from unsafe sex?? You didn't, well now your informed, you feeling special now?? I'm not, there are still way too many people out there ruining there life for what they think is "LOVE" when actually it's another 4 letter word. You may have heard of it "LUST"... so don't do it!!! I mean, ya, if you wanna have sex, whatever, but be safe for gods sake!! you wanna be able to do it again right? And I bet most of you gals out there aren't really mature enough to deal with a baby 24/7. My *EX* locker buddy thinks she is. She's a retard. Ruined her life cause she "needed" sex... oh well. Not me again!! You must be thinking I'm a goodie-goody huh? Oh well, I am who I am and I'm proud... Alright, a friend asked me when I was gonna write more on this page, so today i decided to do so... well here goes. How stupid is it for a freshman girl to go out with a senior guy, looking for the above four letter word? I was just wondering, can you say, idiot? I just did, so why don't you go ahead and roll it around in your mouth a few times to see how it tastes. You know what else is dumb? Rumors!! I know I deleted a bunch of stuff here abotu the bimbo and stuff and even though she is still a bimbo that story is long over. Sometimes have you felt like your on the outside looking in, through like tainted glass or something. Nothing seems to go right, no matter how good it was going before?? Doesn't that just suck. Being alone is just plain old bad. Herpes is bad too, but we won't go into that as of yet. Well, I think that all you shiny happy people should sign my guesbook, i'm sure you can all rattle off 20 words to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, or something, so shoot, enough for now. *gone*

As you can see, There is a new color on this page, well, its to show the NEW STUFF!! WOW, how freakin amasing huh? I would lik eto say that Senior-frosh relationships are not as bad as I once assumed. One of my bestest pals likes a frosh, and well, he isn't a sleeze, he's RAD! Just so ya know. Hmmm... what to talk about today, lets think. AHH, yes! Has anyone ever said, "I live in the middle of nowhere!" Well, have you ever considered that they're actually lieing to you! I know, shocking, but very true. If you are nowhere, doesn't that mean your somewhere? I thought so, but ya know, I'm not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree at times! Wow, Christmas is quickly approaching us isn't it. Joy. Rapture. Or Something. I mean, if one was to have a real family I could understand the joy of the whole thing, but it's a garentee me and my mom will have our biggest fight of the year in front of the entire family, and in some odd way it always ends up being my fault, hmmm. Whats else to talk about...? Well, write about cos I know none of you people out there can hear my voice no matter how hard you try and listen. A lot of my net buddies have been writting snail mail to me, its been super swell!! I finally know what those people out there are loking like! Actually, it's freaking amazing in my opinion! It takes little to amuse me though. But, it also takes little to piss me off. Try, I dare you too! I can get pretty damn upset too, but dont try to do that cos I don't feel like crying and breaking my tuff girl persona! It's already broken, DAMN! Oh well. I spose this is enough crap fer now, Resign the book, or may Buddah strike you DEAD! tottles.

well well well, here we go yet again. Time to write stuff and things that most people could give a crap less about, oh well, your here so please, read on. Christmas is coming, or has just passed depening on when you feel upon this spot on the net. *or it is abotu to come again! whoa huh!* is it going to be a ultra happy time for you, or, is it gonna suck arse, like mine is looking like its gonna. Oh well, try and have a good one, cos you may have more then you realize, like a mom and dad that love you, so give it a shot. You know what I've discovered is really annoying. When you have a song stuck in your head, yet you only know the beat and one word in it, like in this case, 45!! It drives me insane!! I've been singing the stupid thing ALL day long and it was getting to people I think.! Oh well! No my prob eh??

Have you ever seen two people liek groping each other serisouly in a public place, like school? OH MY GOD!! I mean, yeah, pda is ok, as long as your not sending your tounge on a vast mission to find the source of someones stomach ach via the throat! I dunno, I just see all these people like all but fucking in this totally public places and I'm always like, ummm, get a room please? AND!! it is REALLY awful when your buds with both of em and would like to tell em but don't have to guts to burst their pretty little bubble that they live in.

welcome back, or welcome. I have a question for you all? Do you really read this and think, or do you just look at it, like most people do I assume... I'm just wondering... Cos, Lately, all I get is negative feedback. I'm just telling you all how I feel, I wish more people would. I don't critize you for who you are, who are you to do it to me? I get it enough in my house. I don't need it from the peopel who claim to be my buds n stuff!! I guess what I'm trying to say is, please, try and understand me even if its hard. If not that, just don't be mean to me please. Some stuff on this page may offend you, yes. But, do you offend me?? Have you ever thought of that? Do any of you HONESTLY care about me?? why?? do any of you feel like you HONESTLY know me? Do you want to?? I don't believe I even know my self at this point, but I try to work through the haze... but on to other things...

What is normal?? I'd like everyones opinion on that?? Like, is a chick in a ornage plaid with purple striped dress normal, or a chick in jeans and a sweater? Are either of them honestly? I don't believe there to be such a standard of 'normal'. I believe it is a facade put into our minds by the media and/or peers. A person living in antarticia is going to have a different perspective of normal then someone from New York City. I think it is developed through experience and a few other things. It's not liek someone stamps it onto people minds when they're born. Everyone is soo different then thw next person. They may look similar the way they dress and such, but its bull shit. Many people just want to fit in. I don't, in my skool I'm outside of the 'norm'. And why is it I wear something and it isn't cool, but next week when one of the elite wear it, it's the coolest thing since slurpies? Maybe I'm a geek in disgiuse. Please, comment, but respect me and I will respect you. Over and out fer now...

Alright, I'm running of of deep things to say here so guess I won't anymore, well thats a lie but do ya care?? Our Lady peace is such a kicking band, doncha think?? Going to see them soon with my buddy sean!! whoo hoo! If you haven't heard them, pick up one of there CD's. But, I don't want to babble, actually, this whole page is babble so I'll keep a going!! My english class had a special little conversation the other day. my teacher said a girl and a boy can not be as close as say a girl and a girl or visa versa. I disagree, do you?? My best friend in the entire universe is Sean, although he sexually harasses me j/k and has a women who is another good bud of mine. But, sean is just well fucking amazing!! I can tell him sooo mcuh and know he'll still love me after I'm done. I lvoe em!! And he'll eb my best bud forever, even if we aren't sposed to be as close as a girl and a girl.

what do you think about just before you go to sleep at night?? DO you think about all sorts of crap, I do, half the stuff on this page has been generated from my night time thoughts!! I think about how unhappy I am a lot, but then I think how lucky I am with what I have ya know... AND... when you wake up in the morning, do you ever remeber your dreams?? Have you ever died in one of yer dreams?? If you have, contact me, asap cos i dunno anyoen who has!! Well, this isn't a whoel lot more, but i dunno, just need to clear the brain now and again!! OHH! nevermind!!

I told you about the shit queen right, my mom if yer slow. She's been dumped AGAIn! Maybe I shouldn't discuss this here but I need to say, I'm sick of people fuckign with me and my mom. We deserve to be happy to thanks. Jeff, your an ass. You can't even understand how much you've hurt me, you brought two little children into my life, the clostest i've ever had to siblings and now your taking them back. well its all fine cso, ya know I'm invincible, or something. tah.

Wow. I just recieved the worst news in my entire life!! My mentor is moving. TO Missouri. I'm going to curl up and die I think. Mr. Brooks is my soccer coach. He has been for 3 years now. He's helped me become who I am today. Without him, I wouldn't be making this HP in the first place. He's given me a lot of the confidence I have today. I can tell him anything now, it hurts so bad. Not only am I losing a great coach, but I'm losing a great friend of mine, a great person. Wow. First it was Mariah, my best bud who moved to Alabama, now Mr Brooks. Wow. I need to stop cos I'm getting all sad again...

I can't wait until summer vacation, can you guys?? I know up here it is getting rather dull in all this snow/ICE!! It kinda sucks to be walking down yer own driveway and fall flat on yer ass, trust me, don't try that at home. It hurts and you look like a goon!! I can't wait till I can go outside until 8 and it be light out, instead of the moon being fully overhead ya know!! AND, being able to ditch the damn winter jacket!! That'll be the day. Actully rigth now I'm just loking forward to April vacation.

Have you ever missed something you really shouldn't. That you may have given up or done somethign to cause it to say umm, deteroiate? I have, man have I EVER! At the time there seems to be no harm at all in it, but in the end you realize that you fucked up REAL bad?? It sucks!! Like, I have stinking dreams about the whole thing. When I wake up I'm like shaking and stuff. Sorry I'm not tellign you the situation, its just plain old too messed to be tellign you nice people who come and read this!! Speaking of dreams, what do you guys dream about?? No one ever seems to answer any of my questions, but please, do answer this. Have you ever died in a dream?? I think I have, but my friends say tis impossible. They told me if you die in a dream, you really end up dying, hmmm, lets prove them wrong, shall we??

Ok, final thing for now. I'm serious about this. I'm going to write a book. About the definition of normal. I want all you guys out there to e-mail me at the addy at the bottom with a response. put yer name and age with it too so I can give you credit. I'm serious about this guys, so think abotu it!! Well, Over and out!! but... NO ONE ever responded to my little book request. actually like 3 people did and they were complete strangers!! none of my 'close' buds bothered to help me out so my dream is dead. thanks, just wanted you to know how much all the effort was appreciated!!

OK... Now I'm going to tell all you out there abotu my big big fear b/c I'm sick of explaining it. I'm petrified of water... well not all water. I shower and everything but I can't go in or on or over the ocean... like on bridges... i have to cover my eyes... or I start sweating and shaking and stuff. This all began like 2 or 3 years ago and is getting increasingly worse. I have no clue why but it's awful. trust me. now that i feel like even more of a dork ~toodles!!

OK... I've decided this page is getting rather large sooo, I'm going to make some of those of this page pages! *l* First, I'm going to make a buds page in homage to those people out there that mean sooo much... so, to read about those who i truely care about go HERE! so i think that's about it fer now... maybe more latter... now that i'm finally on summer vacation! WHOO HOO! yessum! *over and out*

This, is the new stuff, I'd like to quickly answer a question asked to me in my guestbook. The question posed was, are you a moron? Yes, I am. In some ways I think we all have a little moron in us. I think the person that signed the book was too much of a woss to give me there email. Hmm, am I the moron, or are you? Are we all? who fucking cares? If you feel that this piece of me is shit, FINE, but hey, maybe i think you are a piece of shit too. I never told you that though, now did i? hmm, who cares. So yes, I am a moron, thank you very much.

It is now also summer vacation... WHOO HOO, except all i do is stay up till like 3 am and sleep till noon. Once in a while i go out, and my nice lil job starts soon but hey. anyways. This new stuff is shirt, but I need to go update some friends stuff. Buh bye.

la de dah and welcome back. its almost christmas again. i'm kidna excited except fer the fact that i've gone to a mall 4 out of the past 5 days... it sux so so bad b/c i feel sooo cheap right now. oh well. whatever right? i decided that i was going to post a wee bit of my poetry on my page soooo here is the link please go and check it out... and then if you get a chance, sign the guestbook, or RESIGN the guestbook!! Thanks oodles!!! *out*

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