Flat 1, 2A Shirley Road, Cheetham Hill, Manchester M8 0ND,
UK. |
Phone 00 44 7968 345 755 • Fax 00 1 801 605 5204 • E-mail khalid.al-shehari@stud.umist.ac.uk |
Khalid Al-Shehari
Advertisements: Globalised, (G)localised or Translated?
Personal Information |
Qualifications |
Research Experience |
1998: MSc Dissertation, UMIST, UK. Supervised
by Prof. Mona Baker. In this dissertation I attempted to offer a
contribution to the area of the translation of advertising from English into
Arabic. I applied the Peircean triad of sign to a corpus of English and
Arabic advertisements to find out how semiotic relations have been generated,
and what problems the translator may encounter in attempting to maintain the
same semiotic relations of the English advertisement in the Arabic version,
and to what extent differences in culture have been involved in this process. 1998-2000: PhD Research, UMIST, UK. Supervised
by Prof. Mona Baker. In this research, I intend to investigate from a
semiotic point of view the different kinds of relationships that exist
between the various elements (verbal and visual) of an advertisement and
between these elements and the elements outside the text. A semiotic tool is
designed from a combination of theories tackling different kinds of
relationships such as Peircean triad of sign, Barther’s theory of the levels
of message and other issues related to intertextuality and Syntagms and
Paradigms. This model will be applied to a corpus of Arabic advertisements,
which are translated from English, with their English originals, to examine
the strategies which are used by translators and advertisers to translate or
to localize the adverts. Issues related to globalization and localization
will also be raised in the current research. |
Work Experience |
1995 –
Date: Freelance Translator both from and into English and Arabic. 1999 – Date: Research
Assistant at the Translational
English Corpus (TEC) Project, UMIST, UK. 1998 – 1999: Teaching
Arabic to Non-Arabic speakers at the Muath Islamic School, Birmingham, UK. 1998: Teaching Arabic
to British students from Arab origins at the Scientific Yemeni Institute,
Manchester & Birmingham, UK. 1996 – 1997: Teaching
English to undergraduates of Education at Sana’a University, Yemen. 1995 – 1997: I worked
as a lecturer of ELT at the University of
Science and Technology, Yemen. In addition, I was responsible for many
administrative tasks at the Translation Department including the preparation
for the exams. I also taught English for Special Purposes to undergraduates
of Computing, Business and Accounting. |
Conferences |
28 – 30/4/2000: Research Models in
Translation Studies. UK: UMIST. 23 – 26/3/2000: Global Links, Linguistic Ties:
Forging a Future for Translation and Interpreting. NY: New York
University. 17 – 20/2/1999: The Professional Translator in
the New Millennium. Madrid: Universidad Europea de Madrid. 20 - 22/11/1998: Translation, Identity and Modernity:
The Case of Arabic. UK: Salford University. |
Publications |
Upcoming: Advertisements:
Globalised, (G)localized or
Translated? A paper presented at the “Global Links, Linguistic Ties:
Forging a Future for Translation and Interpreting” Conference. New York
University. |
Languages |
Computer Literacy |
Referees |