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The Rear End
The Bayshore Rear End. The Corvair rear end pictured above is of the infamous 'white' car, built by Jim Dodd and later owned by Bill Doerge. The rear section was restored by Roy Buckridge.
The monthly newsletter of the
Bayshore Corvair Association
July 2003
(Updated 7-18-2003)

On Track
Off Course


 Read the Want Ads 

NECC logo for Summit Point

The Boys from Bayshore (Charlie & Roy) went to Summit Point.
Read the Report.
See the photos.

Click Here - to read - My Cousin Doug

'Flathead' Dave Quail
Bayshore's own Dave "Flathead" Quail
photo by - Michael Parker

As the house band for Cross Roads Bar & Cafe, Flathead Dave and The Magnetos get the stage smokin' with a rocking jam session every Sunday evening starting at 5:00pm

Yugo Dave - World's Quickest Yugo
The World's Quickest Yugo (14.785 at 89.98 mph)
photo by -

Dave "Yugo Dave" Benton, at 66 years of age is a fierce competitor in NHRA, SCCA Solo 2, and many Bayshore & NECC time trial events.
Read the NHRA article

 Calendar of Events
 - by Various Members
The Event Calendar is a posting of important club dates submitted by various club members, friends of Bayshore, and organizations. To have your event listed here, contact the newsletter editor.
 Life in the Fast Lane
 - "peeled out" by Charlie "Bud" Doerge
SPECIAL GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING!! In case you didn’t read about it in the other 2 places, this month (and this month only), the meeting will be held at Craig Griffin’s home in Howell.
 Words from the Master Cylinder
 - by Kevin Johnson
Today is Wednesday March 12th and the temp’s were in the mid 50's. It’s starting to look like we might make it out the other side.
 - by Ralph Trustme

Car & Parts. For Sale, Wanted, or Traded. A free service to Bayshore members (Premium Display Ads available at a nominal cost). Contact the newsletter editor to post an ad.

 Gear Calculator
 - by Stan Weiss
A handy little JavaScript calculator.
Calculate RPM, from data inputs of MPH, tire diameter, rear end gear ratio, transmission final drive data.
(Authors footnote that these are approximate valves)

We can also calculate for MPH, using RPM, tire diameter, rear end gear ratio, transmission final drive data, by simply modifying the original code, to give us this page.

 Bayshore Photo Gallery
 - by J. "Flash" Gordon
A photographic slide show of past Bayshore events, etc. Current show is 7 photos of Bayshore At Pocono.
(If the slide show fails to work or stops, just click the link again)
Contact the photo editor to have your photos posted.

 Bayshore Contact List
 - by Roy Buckridge
A listing of Bayshore Members. Their email addresses and telephone numbers. Contact the newsletter editor to be added to this listing.

Bayshore Sponsors
Show your Bayshore membership card for additional discounts

Your Ad Here
Become a Bayshore Sponsor !

 Chinique & Son 
 Auto Parts 

For All Your Automotive Needs

See our ad in the
Bayshore Want Ads section
Email for details
Past Gas Garage

Click to send email to Bill and Charlie  

Bayshore Corvair Association, Inc. is a chartered chapter of the Corvair Society of America (CORSA), P.O. Box 607, Lemont, IL, 60439-0607. Membership in CORSA is highly recommended.

Regular monthly meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month and begin at 8:00pm. Membership dues are $15 per person per year and payable in January.

Articles, classified advertising, news and Corvair related items are welcome for publication by the editor. Free classified ads are available to private parties. Commercial Advertising rates are $6.00 per half page, $10.00 per full page.

Deadline for publication is the first Wednesday of the month, for the months newsletter.
Forward all articles and photos to the newsletter editor online or mail them to Bayshore Corvair Association, P.O. Box 815, Jackson, NJ 08527.

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