An English to Gaelic Primer of Plant Names |
This list is arranged alphabetically by the common (English) names of plants, and gives the scientific (Latin) name and the Gaelic name of each. Where translation of the Gaelic name into English is known, it is supplied. The information contained herein was transposed from The Gaelic Names of Plants by John Cameron, published 1883 by William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh. |
A | Ailm | Return to Index | |
agrimony | Agrimonia eupatoria | mur-dhraidhean | sorrow, grief |
alder, common | Alnus flutinosa | feàrn | swamp tree |
almond | Amydalus communis | cno ghreugach | Greek nut |
angelica, wood | Angelica sylvestris | lus nam buadha | plant of virtues or powers |
apple | Pyrus malus | mel, mal | |
apricot | Prunus armeniaca | apricoc | |
archangel | Lamium album | teanga mhìn | smooth tongue |
arrow-grass | Triglochin palustre | bàrr a' mhilltich | good grass |
arum | Arum maculatum | cluas chaoin | soft ear |
asasrum | Asarum auropaeum | asair | bandage |
ash | Fraxinus excelsior | nuin, craobh uinnseann | |
asphodel | Narthecium ossifragum | blioch, bliochan | milk |
asparagus | Asparagus officinalis | creamh macfiadh | wild boar's herb |
aspen | Populus tremula | eagh, critheann | trembling |
auricula | Primula auricula | lus na bann-righ | queen's flower |
B | Beite | Return to Index | |
barberry | Berberis vulgaris | barbrag | brilliant shell leaf |
barley | Hordeum distichon | eòrna, òrna | |
bean | Faba vulgaris | ponair | |
beech | Fagus sylvatica | craobh fhaibhile | |
beet | Beta maritima | betis | |
betony, wood | Stachys betonica | lus bheathag | life plant, nourishing plant |
bindweed, field | Convolculus arvensis | iadh lus | plant that surrounds |
birch, knotty | Betula pendula | beatha dubhach | sorrowful |
birch, white | Betula alba | beite, beatha | |
birthwort | Aristolochia clematitis | culurin | |
bishop's weed | Aegopodium podagraria | lus an easbuig | bishop's weed |
blackberry | Rubus fruticosus | muir, dreas, dris | entangler |
blackthorn | Prunus spinosa | preas nan airneag | |
borage | Borago officinalis | borrach, borraist, borraigh | |
boxwood | Buxus sempervirens | bosca | |
bramble, common | Rubus fruticosus | dreas, dris | entangler |
buckthorn, prickly | Rhamnus catharticus | ramh droighionn | prickly wood |
bulrush | Scirpus lacustris | gobhal luachair | forked rush |
burdock | Arctium lapa | suirichean suirich | foolish wooer |
C | Coll | Return to Index | |
cabbage | Brassica oleracea | praiseach | potherb |
campion, red | Lychnis diurna | cìrean coileach | cockscomb |
caraway | Carum carui | carvie | |
carrot | Daucus carota | curran | sown root |
cat tail | Typha latifolia | bodan dubh | dark tail |
cat tail | Typha latifolia | cuigeal nam bàn-sìth | fairy woman's spindle |
celandine, common | Chelidonium majus | an ceann ruadh | the red head |
centuary | Erythraea centaurium | ceud bhileach | hundred leaved |
chamomile, common | Anthemis nobilis | camomhil | |
charlock | Sinapis arvensis | marag bhuidhe | yellow sausage |
chase-the-devil | Nigella damascena | lus an fhograidh | pursued plant |
cherry tree | Prunus cerasus | craobh shiris | |
cherry, bird | Prunus padus | craobh fhiodhag | |
cherry, wild | Prunus avium | geanois | |
chervil | Anthriscus cerifolium & vulgaris | costag | |
chervil, great | Myrrhis odorata | cos uisge | scented water-plant |
chestnut | Castanea vesca | chraobh geanm-chno | nut of the tree of chaste love |
chickweed | Stellaria media | fliodh | wetting |
chives | Allium schoenoprasum | feuran | grass-like plant |
cicely, sweet | Myrrhis odorata | cos uisge | scented water-plant |
cinnamon | Laurus cimmamonum | caineal | |
cinquefoil | Potentilla reptans | meangach | branched |
clarysage | Salvia verbenacea | torman | shrubby one |
cloudberry | Rubus chamaemorus | oireag, oighreag, feireag | beauty |
clover, hare's foot | Trifolium arvense | cas maidhiche | |
clover, red | Trifolium pratense | seamar chapuill | mare's clover |
clover, white | Trifolium repens | seamar bhàn | fair, gentle one |
clover, yellow | Trifolium minus | seangan | small |
colt's foot | Tussilago farfara | cluas liath | grey ear |
columbine | Aquilegia vulgaris | lus a cholamain | dove's plant |
comfrey | Symphytum officinale | meacan dubh | dark plant |
coriander | Myrrhis sativum | coireiman, lus a choire | |
cork-tree | Quercus suber | crànn àirceain | |
cowslip | Primula veris | muisean | low rascal, the devil |
cranberry | Vaccinium ocycoccos | muileag | little frog, frogberry |
crocus, saffron | Crocus saticus | crò, cròdh, cròch | |
crow-berry | Empetrum nigrum | lus na fionnag | crow herb |
crowfoot, bulbous | Ranunculus bulbosus | guile thalmhainn | blood of the earth |
crowfoot, celery-leaved | Ranunculus scleratus | torachas biadhain | food to be afraid of |
crowfoot, creeping | Ranunculus repens | buigheag | yellow one |
crowfoot, upright meadow | Ranunculus acris | cearban feoir | grass rag |
crowfoot, water | Ranunculus aquatilis | fleann uisge | follower of the water |
cuckoo flower | Cardamine pratensis | plur na cubhaig | cuckoo flower |
cucumber | Cucumis sativus | cularan | |
currant, black | Ribes nigrum | raosar dubh | |
currant, red | Ribes rubrum | raosar dearg | |
currant, white | Ribes album | raosar geal | |
cypress, common | Cupressus sempervirens | craobh bhròin | tree of sorrow |
D | Dur | Return to Index | |
daffodil | Narcissus pseudonarcissus & jonquilla | lus a chròmchinn | bent or drooping head |
daisy | Bellis perennis | neòinan, nòinean | noon flower |
dead-nettle, white | Lamium album | teanga mhìn | smooth tongue |
deer's hair | Scirpus caespitosus | cìob, cìpe | |
dill | Anethum graveolens | dile | dill |
dittany | Origanum dictamnus | lus a phiobaire | pepperwort |
dock | Rumex crispus | còpag | bossy |
dogwood | Cornus sanguinea | coin-bhil | |
dulse | Phodymania palmata | duiliasg | water-leaf |
E | Eagh | Return to Index | |
elder | Sambucus nigra | ruis | wood |
elecampane | Inula helenium | eilidh | Helen |
elm | Ulmus campestris | ailm, leamhan | |
eyebright | Euphrasia officinalis | lus nan leac | hillside plant |
F | Fearn | Return to Index | |
fennel | Foeniculum vulgare | lus an t'saiodh | hayweed |
fern | Filices | raineach, roineach | fern (generic) |
fern, adder's tongue | Ophioglossum vulgatum | lus na nathraith | serpent's weed |
fern, adder's tongue | Ophioglossum vulgatum | teanga a' nathrach | adder's tongue |
fern, bladder | Cystopteris fragilis | friodh raineach | slender fern |
fern, common brake | Pteris aquilina | an raineach mhòr | large fern |
fern, green | Asplenum adiantum nigrum | an raineach uàine | green fern |
fern, hard | Blechnum spicant | an raineach chruaidh | hard fern |
fern, hart's tongue | Scolopendrium vulgare | creamh mac fiadh | wild boar's wort |
fern, holly | Polystichum lonchitis | raineach-chuilinn | holly fern |
fern, lady | Athyrium filix-foemina | raineach Mhuire | Mary's fern |
fern, maidenhair | Adiantum capillus-veneris | failtean fiònn | resplendent hair |
fern, male | Lastrea filix-mas | marc raineach | horse fern |
fern, oak | Polypodium dryopteris | sgeamh dharaich | oak fern |
fern, royal | Osmunder regalis | raineach rioghail | kingly fern |
fern, rue | Asplenium ruta-muraria | fue bhallaidh | wall rue |
fern, shield | Polystichum aculeatum, lobatum & angulare | ibhig | |
fern, stone | Polypodium vulgare | cloch-reathneach | stone fern |
fern, sweet mountain | Lastrea oreopteris | crimraineach | scarred fern |
fig | Ficus carica | crann fìge, crann fìghis | |
flax | Limun usitatissimum | lìon, lìn | |
flax | Linum catharticum | lìon na bean sìth | fairy woman's flax |
flixweed | Sisymbrium sophia | fineal Mhuire | Mary's fennel |
foxglove | Digitalis purpurea | lus-nam-ban-sìth | fairy woman's plant |
foxglove | Digitalis purpurea | lus a bhalgair | fox-weed |
foxtail grass | Alopecurus geniculatus | fiteag chàm | refreshment |
fumitory | Fumaria officinalis | lus deathach thalmhainn | the earth-smoke plant |
furze | Ulex europaeus | conasg | armed (for war) |
G | Gath | Return to Index | |
garlic, crow | Allium vineale | garleag Mhuire | Mary's garlic |
garlic, wild | Allium ursinum | garleag | |
gentian | Gentiana campestris | lus a chrùbain | crouching plant |
gentian, red | Erythraea centaurium | ceud bhileach | hundred leaved |
gilly-flower | Cheiranthus cheiri | lus leth an samrhaidh | half the summer plant |
gilly-flower, sea | Cakile maritimum | fearsaideag | |
golden rod | Solidago virgaurea | fuinseag coille | |
Good King Henry | Chenopodium bonus-henricus | praiseach bràthair | friar's pot-herb |
gooseberry | Ribes grossularia | preas ghrosaid | gooseberry |
goosefoot, white | Chenopodium album | praiseach fiadhain | wild pot-herb |
gorse | Ulex europaeus | conasg | armed (for war) |
grape | Vitis vinifera | muir, crann fiona, crann fionan | |
groundsel | Senecio vulgaris | am bualan | a remedy |
H | (none) | Return to Index | |
hawthorn | Crataegus oxyacantha | sgitheach geal | white haw |
hazel | Corylus avellana | coll, coill, càlltuinn, càlldainn, càllduinn, cailtin, colluinn | |
hellebore, green | Helleborus viridis | elebor | |
hellebore, stinking | Helleborus foetidus | meacan sleibhe | hill-plant |
hemlock | Conium maculatum | munmhear | smooth fingered |
hemlock, water | Cicuta virosa | fealla bog | soft deceiver |
hemp | Cannabis sativa | caineab | |
henbane | Hyoscyamus niger | fegann | dangerous one |
holly | Ilex aquifolium | cuileann | defender |
holly, sea | Enyngium maritimum | cuileann tràgha | sea-shore holly |
honeysuckle | Lonicera periclymenum | uillean | joints & elbows, woodbine |
hops | Humulus lupulus | lus an leanna, lionn luibh | ale or beer plant |
horehound, white | Marrubium vulgare | gàrfan, bràbhan ban | white indented one |
hornbeam | Carpinus betulus | leamhan bog | soft elm |
horseradish | Armoracia rusticana | meacan-each | horse plant |
hound's tongue | Cynoglossum officinale | teanga con, teanga chù | dog's tongue |
hyssop | Hyssopus officinalis | isop | |
I | Iogh | Return to Index | |
iris, yellow flag | Iris pseudacorus | bog-uisge | soft rainbow |
ivy, english | Hedera helix | gath, eidheann | that which clothes or covers |
ivy, ground | Nepeta glechoma | iadh shlat thalmhainn | |
J | (none) | Return to Index | |
juniper | Juniperus communis | aiteil, ailtinn, aitiol | |
K | (none) | Return to Index | |
L | Luis | Return to Index | |
laburnum | Cytisus laburnum | bealuidh frangach | |
ladies' smock | C Cardamine pratensis | plur na cubhaig | cuckoo flower |
Lady's fingers | Anthyllis vulneraria | meoir Mhuire | Mary's fingers |
Lady's Mantle, common | Alchemilla vulgaris | copan an druichd | the dew cup |
Lady's Mantle, common | Alchemilla vulgaris | falluing mhuire | Mary's mantle |
larch | Pinus larix | laireag | fat wood |
laurel | Laurus nobilis | labhras | |
laurel | Laurus nobilis | cran laoibhreil | tree with rich foliage |
lavender | Lavendula officinalis | lus-na-tùise | incense plant |
lavender | Lavendula officinalis | an lus liath | grey weed |
leek | Allium porrum | leigis, leiceas, leicis | |
lemon | Citrus lumonum | crann limoin | |
lichen, lungwort | Stricta pulmonacea | crotal coille | lichen of the wood |
lilac | Syringa vulgaris | craobh liath ghorm | |
lily of the valley | Convallaria majalis | lili nan lòn, lili nan gleann | lily of the valley |
lime tree | Tilea europea | craobh theile | lime tree |
linden | Tilea europea | craobh theile | lime tree |
liverwort | Marchantia polymorpha | lus an àinean | liverwort |
loose-strife | Lysimachia vulgaris | lus na sìthchaine | herb of peace |
loosestrife, purple | Lythrum salicaria | lus an sith chainnt | peace-speaking plant |
lords and ladies | Arum maculatum | cluas chaoin | soft ear |
lovage | Ligusticum scoticum | siunas | growing in the storm |
lovage, common | Ligusticum officinale | luibh an liugair | cajoler's weed |
love-lies-bleeding | Amaranthus caudatus | lus a ghràidh | love plant |
M | Muir | Return to Index | |
madder | Rubia tinctorum | madar | |
maple | Acer campestris | craobh mhalip | satchel tree |
marigold, marsh | Caltha palustris | a chorrach shod | clumsy one of the marsh |
marjoram | Origanum marjorana & vulgare | oragan | delight of the mountain |
marshmallow | Althea officinalis | leamhad | insipid |
meadow rue | Thalictrum minus | rù beg | little rue |
meadowsweet | Spirea ulmaria | crios Chu-chulainn | queen of the meadow, Chu-chullain's belt |
meadowsweet | Spirea ulmaria | airgiod luachra | slivery rush |
melon | Cucumis melo | meal-bhuc | bulky apple |
milkwort | Polygala vulgaris | lus a bhàine | milkwort |
mint, garden | Mentha viridis | mionnt ghàraidh | garden mint |
mint, horse | Mentha sylvestris | mionnt each | horse mint |
mint, water | Mentha aquatica | cairteal | water-purifier |
mistletoe | Viscum album | uile-ice | all heal |
mistletoe | Viscum album | Druidh-lus | Druid's weed |
mistletoe | Viscum album | sùgh-dharaich | sap of the oak |
mold | Mucedo | cloimh liath | generic, gray down |
monkshood | Aconitum napellus | fuath mhadhaidh | wolf's aversion |
moonwort | Botrychium lunaria | luan lus | moon wort |
moss, bog | Sphagnum | mointeach liath | grey peat |
moss, fir club | Lycopodium selago | garbhag an sleibhe | rough one of the hill |
moss, Irish | Chondrus crispus | mathair an duileasg | mother of dulse |
mountain ash | Pyrus aucuparia | luis | drink |
mugwort | Artemesia vulgaris | liath lus | grey weed |
mulberry | Morus nigra | crànn-maol-dhearc | tree of mild aspect |
mullein | Verbascum thapsus | cuineal Mhuire | Mary's asthma plant |
mushroom | Agaricus | agairg | generic for mushroom |
mushroom, boletus | Boletus bovinus | bonaid an losgainn | toad's bonnet |
mushroom, devil's snuffbox | Lycoperdon giganteum | beac, beacan | bee (smotherer) |
mushroom, puffball | Lycoperdon gemmatum | caochag | blind, empty, blasting |
mushroom, tinder soft | Polyporus betulinus & fomentarius | cailleach spuinge | spongy old woman |
mushroom, truffle | Tuber cibarium | ballan losgainn | tuber fungus |
myrtle | Myrtus communis | miortal | |
myrtle, bog | Myrica gale | rideag | fragrant |
N | Nuin | Return to Index | |
nettle | Urtica urens & dioica | feanntag, neandog, deanntag, iontag | flaying one |
nightshade, deadly | Atropa belladona | lus na h'oidhche | nightweed |
O | Oir | Return to Index | |
oak | Quercus robur | dur, dair, dàrach, dàrag, dùr, drù | the tree |
oak, holm | Quercus ilex | tin, thuilm, tolm | evergreen |
oats, wild | Avena sativa | coirc | |
onion | Allium cepa | uinnean | |
orange | Citrus aurantium | òr ubhal | golden apple |
orchis, fragrant | Orchis conopsea | lus tàghta | chosen or select weed |
P | Peith | Return to Index | |
Amydalus persica | peitseag | peach | |
pear, wild | Pyrus communis | craobh pheurain fiadhain | |
pellitory | Anthemis pyrethrum | lus na Spàine | spanish weed |
pellitory, wall | Parietaria officinalis | lus a bhallaidh | wall herb |
pennyroyal | Mentha pulegium | peighinn rioghail | |
peony | Paeonia officinalis | lus a phione | peony |
pimpernel | Anagallis arvensis | falcair | wild cleanser |
pimpernel, yellow | Lysimachia nemorum | seamhair Mhuire | Mary's gentle sweet grass |
pine, pitch | Pinus picea | giubhas geal | pitch pine |
pine, Scots | Pinus sylvestris | peith, giùthas, giùbhas | |
pine, Weymouth | Pinus strobus | giùthas Sasunnach | English pine |
plantain | Alisma plantago | cor-chopaig | dam dock |
plantain | Plantago major | cuach Phàdraig | Patrick's bowl, Patrick's cup |
plum, damson | Prunus damascena | daimsin | |
plum, wild | Prunus domestica | plumbais fiadhainn | |
pomegranite | Punica granatum | gràn ubhal | grain-apple |
poplar | Populus alba | pobhuill | |
poppy | Papaver rhoeas | meilbheag | little pestle |
poppy, opium | Papaver somniferum | codalion | sleep flower |
potato | Solanum tuberosum | bun-tata | |
primrose | Primula vulgaris | sobhrach, sobhrag | amiable, lovely |
primrose, winter | Primula polyanthus | sobhrach gheamhraidh | |
privet | Ligustrum vulgare | ras chrann sìr uine | |
Q | (none) | Return to Index | |
quince | Pyrus cudonia | craobh chuinnse | |
R | Ruis | Return to Index | |
radish | Raphanus raphanistrum | meacan ruadh | red plant |
ragged robin | Lychnis flos-cuculi | plur na cubhaig | cucco flower |
raspberry | Rubus idaeus | preas sùbh chraobh | sappy sprout bush |
reed grass | Arundo phragmites | seasgan | reed |
rhubarb, monks' | Rumex alpinus | lus na purgaid | purgative weed |
ribwort | Plantago lanceolata | slàn lus | healing plant |
rock-rose | Helianthum vulgare | grian ròs | sun rose |
rosemary | Rosmarinus officinalis | ròs Mhuire | sea dew |
Rowan | Pyrus aucuparia | luis | drink |
rue | Ruta graveolins | rugh, rù, ruigh | rue |
rush, common | Juncus conglomeratus | luachar | lamp grass |
rush, sweet | Acorus calamus | cuile mhilis | sweet rush |
rush, wood | Luzula sylvatica | luachar còille | bright grass of the wood |
rye | Secale cereale | seagall | |
S | Suil | Return to Index | |
saffron | Crocus saticus | crò, cròdh, cròch | crocus |
sage, garden | Salvia officinalis | athair liath | grey father |
sage, garden | Salvia officinalis | slan lus | healing plant |
sandalwood | Santalum album | fiodh almug | |
sanicle, wood | Sanicula europaea | bodan coille | little old man of the wood |
savin | Juniperus sabina | samhan | sabina herba |
savory | Satureia hortensis | garbhag ghàraidh | coarse garden plant |
saxifrage, golden | Chryosplenium oppositifolium | lus nan laogh | herb of gold |
saxifrage, meadow | Saxifraga granulata | moran | many |
Scots' broom | Cytisus scoparius | bealaidh, bealuidh | favored of Baal |
sedge, cotton | Eriophorum vaginarum & polystachyon | canach | soft head |
self heal | Prunella vulgaris | dubhan ceann chòsach, dubhanuith | dark healing plant |
shallot | Allium ascalonicum | sgalaid | shallot |
shepherds purse | Capsella bursa-pastoris | lus no fola | the blood weed |
silverweed | Potentilla anserina | brisgean, briosglan, barr a bhrigean | brittle |
sloe | Prunus spinosa | straif, preas nan airneag | sloe bush |
soapwort | Saponaria officinalis | gairgean-cregach | bitter one of the rocks |
sorrel, common | Rumex acetosa | samh | |
sorrel, mountain | Oxyria reniformis | sealbhag nan fiadh | deers' sorrel |
sorrel, sheep's | Rumex acetosella | ruanaidh | reddish colored |
sorrel, wood | Oxalis acetosella | samh | shelter |
southernwood | Artemesia arbotanum | meath chaltuinn | against faintness, weariness |
sow-bread | Cyclamen hederaedolia | culurin | boar's bread |
spearwort | Ranunculus flammula | glas-leun | swamp green |
spinage | Spinacia oleracea | bloingean gàraidh | fat garden leaf |
spindle tree | Euonymus europaeus | oir | from the east |
spruce | Abies communis | guithas lochlannach | lake pine |
spurge | Euphorbia helioscopia | spuirse | wart-wort |
spurge, petty | Euphorbia peplus | lus leusaidh | healing plant |
spurge, sea | Euphorbia paralias | buidhe na ningean | yellow plant of the waves |
St John's wort | Hypericum perforatum | eala bhuidhe | yellow appearance |
stonecrop | Sedum acre | grafan nan clach | stone's pickaxe |
strawberry, wood | Fragaria vesca | subh, sùth | earth's delight |
sweet-briar | Rubus rubiginosa | dris chubhraidh | fragrant bramble |
sweet flag | Acorus calamus | cuile mhilis | sweet rush |
sycamore | Acer pseudo-platanus | craobh sice | |
T | Tin | Return to Index | |
tansy | Tanacetum vulgare | lus na Fraing | french weed |
tansy, white | Potentilla anserina | brisgean, briosglan | brittle |
thistle, corn | Carduus arvensis | aigheannach | valiant one |
thistle, marsh | Carduus palustris | cluaran leana | swamp thistle |
thistle, Mary's | Carduus marianus | fothannan beannuichte | blessed thistle |
thistle, melancholy | Carduus heterophylus | cluas an fheidh | deer's ear |
thistle, spear | Carduus lanceolatus | an cluaran deilgneach | priclky thistle |
thrift | Armeria maritima | tonn a chladaich | beach wave |
thyme | Thymus serpyllum | lus an righ | king's plant |
tormentil | Potentilla tormentilla | leanartach | follow-me-everywhere |
trefoil, bird's foot | Lotus corniculata | barra mhislean | grassy |
tulip | Tulipa sylvestris | tuiliop | |
turnip | Brassica rapa | neup | |
U | Uir | Return to Index | |
V | (none) | Return to Index | |
valerian | Valeriana officinalis | an tribhileach, lus na tri bhilean | three-leaved plant |
vervain | Verbena officinalis | tronbhod | woody |
violet, bog | Pinguicula vulgaris | bròg na cubhaig | cuckoo's shoe |
violet, dog | Viola canina | dail chuach | field bowl |
violet, sweet | Viola odorata | fail chuach | scented bowl |
W | (none) | Return to Index | |
wake robin | Arum maculatum | cluas chaoin | soft ear |
wall flower | Cheiranthus cheiri | lus leth an samrhaidh | half the summer plant |
walnut | Juglans nigra | craobh-ghallchno | foreign nut |
water-cress | Nasturtium officinalis | biolair | dainty |
water-pepper | Polygonum hydropiper | lus an fhògair | plant that drives out, expels, banishes |
water lilly, white | Nymphaea alba | duileag bhaite bhàn | drowned white leaf |
wheat | Triticum aestivum | cruithneachd | |
whitethorn | Crataegus oxyacantha | uir, huath, sgitheach geal | |
wild mustard | Sinapis arvensis | marag bhuidhe | yellow sausage |
willow, common | Salix aquatica | suil, sùileag | |
willow, common | Salix aquatica | geal-sheileach | |
willow, osier | Salix viminalis | fineamhain | long twig |
willow, osier | Salix viminalis | gall sheileach | the foreign willow |
willow, weeping | Salix babylonica | seileach an t' srutha | willow of the river |
willow-herb, mountain | Epilobium montanum | an seileachan | little willow |
wind flower | Anemone nemorosa | plùr na gaoithe | flower of the wind |
woad | Isatis tinctoria | guirmean | the blue one |
woodbine | Lonicera periclymenum | uillean | joints & elbows, woodbine |
woodruff | Asperula odorata | lusa-caitheamh | |
wormwood, common | Artemesia absinthium | buramaide | bitter plant |
woundwort | Stachys sylvatica | lus nan scorr | wound wort |
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yarrow | Achillea millefolium | lus chosgadh na fola | plant that stops bleeding |
yew, common | Taxus baccata | iogh, iuthar, iubhar, iughar, | |
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Last modified: 13 March 1998
©1998 Red Deer@pagani