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For lack of a better title.

The red rose is the symbol of the Pro-life movement in America. For more info, go here.

This page is dedicated to the Mother of God, Help in all Darkness.

"Mother Mary take my prayer up to your Son there let it rest." (Daniel DiSilva, from Crispin)

one year later...we still need your prayers...thank you for all you have said and will continue to say...

Pray for the souls of John, Aaron, and Frank 1.19.00; Sohayla 5.13.00; Fr. Peterson 10.22.00; Msgr. Field 12.3.00...Pray also for all those left behind.

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord,

And let perpetual light shine upon them.

May their souls and the sould of the faithful departed, throught the mercy of God, rest in peace.


I'm going to be putting up a list of links to other Spokes and Sailors pages on the Spokes and Sailor Dreambook page. If you want yours in it, just e-mail me

All of you Spokes and Sailors out there, go HERE :)

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