A documentary that nobody believes.
A fantasy, a thriller, with romance and disease.
A murder, a mystery, where everybody bleeds."
The Beautiful South
This is my "about me" page. I figured that I might as well introduce myself to you, as you are being nice enough to browse through my page. *g*
Let's start with the basics. I'm 23 years old and 5'3" short...vertically challenged, celtic anscestry. I love Broadway, and while the Scarlet Pimpernel is one of my main obsessions, i don't have any current ones that i am rushing out to see 7 times. :) Hmm, what else? i am now a teacher of high school student (english being the subject of course), and though i am currently not there, i love it, and miss my students terribly. things i love: Catholicism, Quotes and More Quotes, Swing music, Most other music, THE SAILOR SCOUTS!!!, TVChat (though it has sunk from its former glory, i still have a soft spot in my heart for the good times), My family, all my friends, Thanksgiving, Les Miz, Rodgers and Hammerstien, PIMPTALK!!!, reading, drawing, writing, tea (pronounced in the Irish as tay *S*), funky shoes, clothes, purses, and hats, all things pro-life!, The Rosary, The Blessed Mother, HOMESCHOOLING!!, clay aiken, livejournal, roma, prof. korn, "the latin", newark, the devils, the giants, the mets, the nets (before those little things decided to abandon us), sinatra, dino, hanson, old movies, cheesy teanage girl movies...too much more to go keep naming.
Now that that's out of the way, let me tell you a little about my family. I'm the youngest of 16 children, 8 boys and 8 girls, by the same 2 parents who will be celebrating their 47th wedding anniversary in September. :-) I also have a lot of nieces and nephews. As a matter of fact, I've been an aunt since I was 1.5 years old, and now have 32 nieces and nephews, with 2 still on the way. Keep them in your prayers, please! :-)
*lol* Okay, here's my newest pics...well, almost. They are:
Comedy and Tragedy
Bridgie and Kelly type hair. :)
Now, who could this one be? :-) Thanks Bryan!
Here's a very recent one of me, all dressed up after seeing The Scarlet Pimpernel!
And here I am with my dear clingon
friend, who you'd never know was Sean (my brother). I didn't when he scared me
half to death by showing up like this on Halloween one year. *lol*
With a couple of to boot. :-)
This is me and my [living] sisters: (back row, l-r) Susan, Bridget (me),
Maureen, Mary Ann (the guy in the white shirt in the background is my nephew James aka Capt. Riker); (front row, l-r) Mary
Lou (Riker and Cat-Ty's mom), Barbara (holding one of my nieces or nephews, I'll have to find out which one *L*), and Coco. Yeah, I know I just swiped this whole thing from my other page, but hey, at least it is MY other page. :) BTW, this pic is rather old. :)
Woohoo!!! More family pics :-) finally :-)
Here are some
of my loverly sister's again, attempting to decide on a flower girl dress for
Teresa (not in picture) for Barbara's (white shirt) wedding.
And here we
have Me and Barbara (I know that's not correct, but it's from L-R *S*), after
seeing Pimpy together courtesy of Ronaldo. Thanks again, buddy! Meow! shhh! *lol*
The Wee Ones
aka Nieces and Nephews
Riley-ish-type Peoples
Well, mostly :-)
Ricky [Riley] (Mary Lou and Jim's 7th child) and Sean (my brother)
Keiran, the big K-man aka Riley #9
My loverly niece Caitlin, aka Sailor Eclipse (i love you hon!)
The Ed and Eileen kind:
My nieces, Miriam and Malia (Ed and Eileen's daughters). :-)
The Richard kind:
J.J., better known to those who love him as "Buff with the Stuff"
A Gaggle of Gaffneys
Mimi aka Mary Ann and Bridgie aka my little namesake :-)
Gilliboo, aka Gillian Gaffney (said very fast as one word *l*)
The Drew-ids
Group Hug!
or shot...take your pick (pun intented)
That would be
Aisleigh aka Fudgie, Me, Douglas, Spaz, Coco, and Katie...Isn't he hot? *loL*
I'm trying to get one of everyone in my family up here, but it may take a while, so please be patient! :-)