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Due date _______________________


1) Make a topographic map of an imaginary place.

2) Make a topographic profile of your island.


Rubric for Topographic Map Project


4 (exceptional)

3 (excellent)

2 (nothing special)

1 (not very good)

Topographic map is handed in on time


6 points

Map is on time with NO last minute details to finish in class

Map is on time with NO last minute details to finish in class

Map is in on time, but you are finishing up a few “details.”

Map is not on time

Your map has a name for the imaginary place.


3 points

Name of imaginary place is on top of map – very neat, large, clear, and eye catching

Name of imaginary place is on top of map – neat, large, and clear

Name of imaginary place is on map – maybe not on top, maybe not neat enough

Name of place is missing

The contour lines range from 0 to at least 300 m


3 points

Contour lines begin at 0 (sea level) and go up to 300m and beyond in some places.

Contour lines begin at 0 (sea level) and go up to 300m. They can go beyond 300m

Contour lines do not go to 300m

Your contour lines have little relationship to the directions

Contour lines make sense – you have not mixed up any contour lines

3 points

Contour lines are perfect. They are very neat.

Contour lines are perfect

May have mixed up a contour line and not labeled correctly

Many errors, confusing

The contour interval = 50 m

3 points

Contour interval is 50 m all over the map. You have not labeled any  contour lines other than the index contour lines.

Contour interval is 50 m all over the map

Contour interval is 50 m in most places

Contour interval is not 50 m

There are index contours every 200m

3 points

Index contours appear dark and are located every 200 m. Only the index contour lines are labeled. Darkened lines are very neatly done.

Index contours appear dark and are located every 200 m

Index contours are dark, but may not be every 200 m

Index contours are not apparent

There is at least one depression - use hachures to designate the depression (for example, a crater)

3 points

There are one or two clearly designated depressions. Hachures have been used. The depression or crater can be clearly seen.

There are one or two clearly designated depressions. Hachures have been used

There may be an attempt at a depression, but I don’t see it.

No depression is on the map

You have made a legend

3 points

Neat, clear legend is included. You have clearly thought about appropriate symbols for YOUR map.

Neat, clear legend is included

Legend is included

No legend is on the map

You have put at least 3 symbols from the legend onto the map.


3 points

Symbols are on the map. (More than 3) They are well done and clearly relate to the place.

Three or more symbols are on the map. They are well done and clearly relate to the place

Three symbols are on the map, but they be in the wrong place (For ex. Don’t put a railroad in a crater.)

Symbols may not be on the map

You include a scale (metric system)

3 points

Scale is completely logical

Scale is logical, sized correctly.

Scale is included

Scale is not included

You include directions (N, S, E, W)

3 points

Directions are on the map. They are neat and of an appropriate size.

Directions are on the map

Directions may be incorrect

No N, S, E, W directions are on the map

You have made a topographic profile of your island.

6 pts

Your topographic profile is attached to your map, so that we can compare the map with the profile. It is exceptionally well done.

Your topographic profile is attached to your map, so that we can compare the map with the profile. It is correctly done.

Your topographic profile is handed in, but may be sloppy, or it may not seem to relate to the map.

No profile is included.

Maximum points is 42                         A = 38 – 42 points

B = 34 – 37 points

C = 29 – 33 points

D = 27 – 28 points          

E (fail) 26 points or below)