Chapter 48


"What time is it?", Brian asked as Megan leaned on his shoulder for support.

"Sometime after whatever time we left", Megan said.

"It's around three in the morning", Kevin yawned as they moved towards the elevator.

They got in and pushed the fourteen button.

"I wonder if Nicole's still awake", Nick pondered aloud.

"She's probably not", A.J. said, "I mean, she probably stayed up until about thirty minutes ago then figured we wouldn't be back for awhile and went to sleep", he elaborated.

"That sounds like her…", Megan said.

The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. Six sleepy (and partially drunk) bodies stepped out and started off down the hall. The room that Megan and Brian shared was across the hall from the room that Howie was in and they were the first two rooms that we came to at the end of the hall. Next was Kevin's room across from the room A.J. and I shared and Nick's room was next to ours.

They all entered into their separate rooms and shut the doors behind them.


A.J. tiptoed around the room trying not to wake me up seeing as I had konked out on the queen size bed in the middle of the room. In his trying to be nonchalant he seemed to forget that he had left his suitcase (or one of them) in the middle of the floor and he tripped over it, causing him to forget that he was trying NOT to wake me up.

"OWWWWW", he cried as he hopped around on one foot.

"What! What! What happened?", I asked waking up immediately.

"Oh, I'm sorry Nikki, I didn't mean to wake you up", he said sitting down on the bed.

"It's ok, I haven't been asleep for very long anyway", I said looking at my watch. "What did you do?", I asked remembering how he had woken me up.

"I stubbed my toe on that suitcase over there", he said sticking out his lower lip for sympathy.

"Poor baby, we'll take you to the doctor tomorrow", I said.

"Technically, its today", he corrected me.

"Whatever, don't correct your tired, pregnant wife if you know what's good for you", I said.

"Right, sorry. Boy am I ready for bed", he said.

"Good, because I'm gonna fall asleep again in about three seconds", I said.

"Ok, let's go to bed then", he said.

"Hey, I'm already here, I'm just waiting for you", I said laying back down.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!", he said getting in the bed and turning out the light.

CUT TO: 6/2/99 - 9:30 A.M. - A.J. AND NICOLE'S ROOM

"Good morning to you too", I said to myself as I woke up to find that A.J. wasn't in the bed with me.

I got up and went into the bathroom to find him in the midst of shaving. I screamed because he was bleeding from the side of his face and he hadn't noticed yet.

"What!!!!!!", he screamed back.

I turned his head to face the mirror. "Oh", he said dumbly. "Geez, you're jumpy this morning", he observed as I shoved him to one side of the counter so I could wash my face.

"Shut up, I'm always like this, or haven't you noticed?", I said in a mean tone.

"Oh, harsh words, something I did and you failed to tell me about", he asked.

"Oh honestly A.J., why do you insist upon pestering me about dumb things right when I get up?", I asked him as I scrubbed at my face.

"Scrub any harder and you'll lose a layer of skin", he joked.

"Seriously A.J., not now, I'm not in the mood for it", I said.

"Sorry", he said.

"It's ok", I mumbled.

We finished in the bathroom and went to go get dressed. While we were finishing up, the phone rang. It was Brian making sure we were ready to go. He told us to meet everyone downstairs in fifteen minutes.

"You feeling better now?", A.J. asked as he helped me with my coat.

"Yes, sorry I snapped at you earlier", I said.

"I'll forgive you….. this time", he said.

> Jenny awoke when she heard Karens scream. Oh my gawd...Jenny! Wheres my baby!?!? TBC...


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