Metropolis: A Visitors Guide

Welcome to Metropolis


Metropolis - one of the greatest cities of the world, and home of Superman.

Known as the "Bagdad of Hob's River," Metropolis has been a global center for commerce, industry and culture since it was incorporated at the turn of the century. Located near New York City and Gotham City on the United States' east coast, Metropolis is divided into six boroughs, and occupies three islands and areas along the coasts of the Hob's and West Rivers. On islands are the boroughs of New Troy, St. Martin's Island, and Hell's Gate. On the river banks are Queensland Park along the West River to the south, and on Hob's River to the north are Park Ridge and Bakerline. New Troy, on the center island, is a center of business, like New York's Manhattan. It is home to the University of Metropolis and Centennial Park on the west side; and the Daily Planet, the LexCorp Tower, the Newstime building, and Galaxy Communications in the eastern business district. New Troy also has a less prosperous neighborhood called Hob's Bay, but commonly known as Suicide Slum. Metropolis' nickname is the 'Big Apricot'.

Originally founded by the Dutch as Fort Meppel, the main peninsula of the city was renamed New Troy by the British in 1675. The growth and potential of New Troy quickly attracted some of the world's finest minds, and the area became known as a haven for reason and enlightenment.

Metropolis became known as a forward-thinking city as early as 1775, when Joshua Merriwether founded the weekly Our Planet, one of the country's first periodicals. Even though the paper suspended publication at one point, it resumed in 1793 under its current name, the Daily Planet. Recognizing the importance of an informed populace, George Washington wrote the paper's first editorial.

The city grew throughout the years, increasing its wealth and population as it became a world center of trade, media and innovative new industries, a tradition carried on today by such companies as the Daily Planet, LexCorp and S.T.A.R. Laboratories.

Despite its glorious past, Metropolis' brightest day came when Superman made the city his adopted home almost 10 years ago. On that day, Metropolis saw its status rise from the best-known city in America to the most renowned city in the world. Under Superman's ever-vigilant protection, the city has continued to prosper and grow.

The crisis known as "The Fall of Metropolis," the city's darkest day, occurred slightly over a year ago and leveled almost 75 percent of the New Troy portion of Metropolis. The catastrophe was caused when bombs and defensive devises, allegedly placed by Lex Luthor to ward off an alien invasion in Superman's absence, activated, and utterly destroyed the business district. Through magical means, the city was rebuilt overnight shortly after the destruction, thanks to the aid of some of Earth's finest heroes, thus renewing the city for a glorious new future.

Named "The Most Modern City in America" several times over, Metropolis has received many national and international awards for its city planning, development, inrastructure and vision. Truly, if you are looking for a glimps of tomorrow, look no further than Metropolis!


POPULATION (estimated)


New Troy..........................................5,467,851

Queensland Park................................1,635,091


Park Ridge............................................797,075

St. Martin's Island.................................510,179

Hell's Gate.............................................489,821

VISITORS PER YEAR................44,000,000

(tourism and convention traffic)



Size: 125 square miles spread over three islands and the mainland banks of the Hob's and West Rivers, divided into six boroughs.

Distance from New York: 220 miles

Distance from Gotham City: 150 miles

Distance from Chicago: 900 miles



Average summer temps: (July-August) 85 (high)/65 (low)

Average winter temps: (January-February) 38 (high)/5 (low)

Average rainfall: 30 inches

Average snowfall: 18 inches



Technology: Thanks to LexCorp and S.T.A.R. Laboratories, technology and the sciences contribute significantly to Metropolis' economy. LexCorp and its holdings employ nearly 75 percent of the city's populace.

Heavy Industry: Metropolis' technology industry demands large machinery and delicate components. Several key robotics and heavy-scale components are headquartered in Metropolis.

Service: Due to its populace, a fair number of Metropolitans are employed in the service sectors, from retail to public service. Thanks to its booming economy, service and retail jobs are virtually always available in Metropolis.



LexCorp (all holdings)..................................6.21 million employees

Bakerline Naval Shipyard................................13,556 employees

WGBS (including Studio GBS and holdings).........7,823 employees

S.T.A.R. Laboratories........................................1,247 employees

The Daily Planet..................................................645 employees



City Municipal Building


The Daily Planet Building (1921; 37 stories; 542 feet to globe; 501 feet to top floor)

The Daily Planet

Famous the world over for it's rooftop globe, the Planet building's lobby features the World Room, with information stations scattered around a 15-foot diameter globe. Also, a multi-media presentation reenacts Superman's fateful battle with Doomsday, which crossed the country and ended in front of the Planet building.


The Daily News Building


Galaxy Communications (WGBS) Building (1964; 55 stories; 745 feet)

SRC="" WIDTH="184" HEIGHT="132" ALIGN="BOTTOM" NATURALSIZEFLAG= "3">Galaxy Communications

National corporate headquarters, Land Lines Command Center and principal satellite relay center. This facility monitors and regulates 17 million communication lines.


Hyperdome Stadium

Located within the famed HyperSector, the Hyperdome Stadium plays host to numerous sporting events, concerts, and other forms of mass public entertrainment.



A rapidly renewed area of downtown Metropolis which boasts the popular Hyperdome Stadium and the brand new LexCom building.


Kaye Printing Plant

Located next door to the Daily Planet, this facility handles the printing of the 1.3 million daily papers.


LexCom Building

Located in Hypersector and founded by billionare financier Lex Luthor, LexCom was launched online in the opening days of 1999. LexCom stands at the cutting edge of information dissemination for the new millennium and offers instant updates of major topical headlines when the news happens. . .not just when the presses roll.


LexCorp International Tower (1980; 96 stories; 1,301 feet)

LexCorp Tower

Famous around the world as LexCorp's headquarters and Lex Luthor's home, the distinctive L-shaped building is the tallest structure in Metropolis and offers upscale dining and shopping experiences in its spacious atrium. LexCorp is now the world hub of the largest industrial and financial entity in existence.


The Metropolis Star Building


The Metro Eagle Building


The National Whisper Building


Newstime Building (1913; 66 stories; 894 feet)

Home of the nations number 2 weekly news magazine.


Sikela Hippodrome (demolished)

Current site of the LexCorp International Tower.


S.T.A.R. Laboratories


S.T.A.R. Laboratories are located in various cities throughout the United States. Home to astounding breakthroughs in technical and medical sciences.

Technology And Research. . .


Superman Monument (formerly Superman's Tomb)

Superman's former Tomb in Centennial Park

After losing his life during a battle with the alien known as Doomsday, Superman was laid to rest in a special tomb in the heart of Centennial Park. A statue in his likeness stands atop the tomb with an eternal fire burning below. Thankfully Superman has since returned to life and remains the guardian of Metropolis. The tomb is kept standing as a reminder of that trying time and as a tribute to the Man of Steel.



Bibbo's Ace O' Clubs

First Presbyterian Church

Hobb's Bay Grille (spelled "Hobb's" on store-front)

Metropolis Cemetery

Metropolis Theater

Old Shuster Customs House

Simon Project (low rent housing)

Stryker's Island Maximum Security Facility



Sports (all have won national titles):

The Meteors (NL), baseball

The Monarchs (AL), baseball

The Meteors (NFC), football

The Generals, basketball

The Mammoths, hockey

Theatres (12):

Warner Theatre (Metropolis' historical grand-old movie house, which shows classic movies all year, and "It's a Wonderful Life" every Christmas)

City Parks (10 including):

Centennial Park

Metropolis' largest park, known throughout the world as the location of Superman's one-time tomb in Centennial Square, is one of the most-recognized sites in the world. Acres of nature trails are available for visitors, along with horse riding, jogging and bicycling.

Fort Hob's Park

Perez Park

Planet Square

Siegel Park

Museums (14)

Art Galleries (7)

Also more than 4,000 eating establishments



University of Metropolis

Nordham University

Metropolis Institute of Technology

Metropolis Community College



Daily Newspapers

The Daily Planet

The Daily News

The Metropolis Star

The Metro Eagle

The National Whisper



Newstime (the nation's #2 weekly news magazine)


Notable Network affiliate television stations (more than 10 network affiliates including)



Radio Stations (more than 100 including)

WGBS AM and FM, WCAR, WKSL, WJUR, WALT (94.5, home of "dinosaur" rock)

(many are the home of nationally-syndicated on-air personalities)



Metropolis Transit Authority

Bus, Ferry, Subway, Elevated rail, and Hovercraft


Metropolis Police Department

Awarded "Nation's Finest" rating three years running.


Metropolis Special Crimes Unit

Handles superpowered menaces.


Team Luthor

LexCorp's private security force, whose aid has been pledged to the city in times of need.


Metropolis Fire Department

With sub-stations throughout Metropolis, the MFD provides 24 hour fire call and search and rescue assistance with the latest technology.


Metropolis General Hospital

Offering the finest in medical care to the Metropolis community, General is also the home of many major medical breakthroughs each year thanks to its excellent research programs and medical school.



Berrios Street

Broome Street

Carlson Street

Simon Street

Swan Street

Clinton Street

Gerald D. Ordway Drive

Sullivan Place



Clinton Bridge

Mortimer Bridge

Queensland Bridge



Superman Secret Files 1, January 1998. ©1998 DC Comics, Inc.

Wizard's Superman Special, 1998. ©1998 Gareb Shamus Enterprises.

Superman Secret Files 2, May 1999. ©1999 DC Comics, Inc..

Do you know of any other missing data that you can confirm (specifically street names)? Please E-mail me!

SUPERMAN and all related elements including the DC bullet are the property of DC Comics.

TM & © 2000 DC Comics, Inc. This website is produced Carl W.F. Bird with respect and support for Superman and DC Comics.

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