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thats right.. an entire page devoted to female cartoon characters. im not sure what exactly makes girl cartoon characters sooo much better then boy ones. i guess it stems from the fact that while the macho men of GI Joe were killing the enemy with brutish force, thema was out smarting cunning (albeit poorly costumed) criminals. after all the male superhero is so cliched anyway. i mean superman? batman? aquaman? they are just carbon copies of the same tired old character who not only lacks personality, but also seems to be devoid of anything that resembles human emotion and feeling. now sailor moon (above), for example, is not only a tough, but is also a belivable character. she has her up days and her down days. she, like the rest of society, feels jealosy, compastion, longing... you know, the the stuff that makes life interesting. but you dont have to be a moon princess to be a rad, tough, woman. after all it doesnt take a rocket scientist to realize that both the ruble *and* flinstone households would be in utter chaose if it wasnt for wilma and betty. and how many times has rosy gotten the jetson family out of a jam? well anyway, you get mi drift. now on to the page... the characters are listed in alpha order with links underneath. your best bet is to go to the index of a web ring, if one is listed cuz then youll find a whole latta pages with info. (okay, so i am tring to get this page as complete as posible so if know of any links or characters i should add let me know, k? oh, u can emial me at xoxo, jeff


* a-m * n-z *


kids have smelled the roses since febuary 1, 1998

pssst. visit pollyanna, the zine i do with eleanor