as one of five of the
"Great Resources for High School Counselors"
Get The Ball Rolling! Surf The Net!
Career Search
- Start here if you are investigating careers, or looking for some assistance in finding what best suits your interests and personality. This page has great links for job search, resume writing and MORE!
College Search
- This page offers links to college admissions offices, college search sites, links to all branches of Military services,Professional organizations that may be related to a planned college major or career as well as links to on-campus organizations. Check out 2 year colleges and vocational schools here too! A list of sites for special needs students is included. E-mail someone already attending the school in which you are interested! Get the real scoop...
Financial Aid & Scholarships
- Lots of scholarship and financial aid information- Links to scholarship search sites where you can search for scholarships particular to your affiliations. Complete the FAFSA online,get information on the CSS. Search for school-based aid and scholarship money.
Academic Subject Area Resources
- This page lists academic subject area links to some very cool sites... Art, interactive Language, Science, English, Math, History, Geography... all very cool. Links of this page are available for teachers as well as students from K-12.
Cool Links to Fun Sites
- This is a collection of quirky stuff that I found interesting.!
Web Page Creation Resources
- Links here provide all the basic information you need to build your own web site. Go for it!

Personal & Educational Help Sites
- A wide ranging assortment of sites covering links parenting tips, self help web sites and a bunch more stuff.
My Favorite Links

Occupational Outlook Handbook Job Descriptions
Very Cool College Search Site
First Stop Shopping for Financial Aid & Scholarships>
Interactive Personality Inventory
Academic Advisement
The LIST of all LISTS! 3,000 links to Colleges & Universities
WOW! Over 11,000 links to Career Resources

This page is dedicated to the students at Bound Brook High School. They were my inspiration & the reason I created this site; to help students find their way.
Via Condios, Bon Chance,
Happy Trails, Surf's Up,