We danced to this on our wedding day and I still want to dance the rest of my life with him.
My name is Natalie. I live in New
Jersey was born
and raised here. Our state is called
The Garden
State. I am married to a wonderful guy
named Bruce.
Some of our
favorite things to do are going for a
ride in the
country if we see something we like we
stop and take
some pictures or just take a nice walk.
We have taken a few trips to NC and
really like it there. We have friends
there in the
western part of the state and my brother
and his wife
live on the eastern coast. We would like
to move
there someday.
Some of the things we like are in my links I hope you like my start and I hope to add some more in the future So for now visit a while and enjoy the trip The Military site is for all men & women who have served our country and fought for our freedom Thank You ALL!!!
Hubby was in the Marines for 4 yrs
and my brother
was in for over 20 and had 3 tours in
Nam I love you
This is a poem my darling husband Bruce
wrote for me
on Valentines Day
On a misty morn at dawns first light
A pair of swans come into sight
Through the lily-pads and cat-tails just off shore
They move closer to our vantage point in the cool morning air
Beautiful and elegant-a very regal pair
Passing by they seem to give us a knowing stare
They seem to be just like us-close together,never apart
Sticking together through lifes good and bad parts
So lets you and I be like the swans on the misty pond
Side by side always together and never apart!
Thank you Honey I love you so very much