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The FIRST Unofficial Jim Poulos Site! would like to thank :

Melissa, Susie, Cathy, Dyann, Dana, Jessica, Ari, Shannie, Carla, Bill, Rachel, Marny, Anna, Andi, Staci, Sammy, Gina, Caitlin, Alley, Pete, Ali, Diana G., Lauren, Danielle, Diane, Diana R., Etta, Aja, Angela, Rebekah, Jim
, Gail, JimFan!!!! (still curious who you are dear;), SammiFan, everyone else who has been kind enough to link their page to mine, everyone who signed the guestbook and of course JIM !!!!!
(i *hope* i didn't forget anyone?!? PLEASE get REALLY mad at me if i did!!)

basically, this part of the page is just opening - if you want me to write your email on here, or a link to any number of pages you have, or anything (within limits;) please let me know and i will do it immediately! after all - this page wouldn't have hit 10,000 !!!!! if it wasn't for you right?:) MWAH!!!!!

a special thank you to the owners of these webpages --
