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History of the §acred §tar

      A long time ago, on the mystical §tar Island, a godess of the simple name Rose paced the sandy beaches one eve. She was alone on this island. She had somehow gotten left behind whenn her father, Zesus, and her mother, Hera, had departed from their favorite resting place. Poor Rose, being only 15, was very frightened. Little did she know she was meant to live on this island eternally. The gods had chosen a special job for fair Rose. She was to start a special select group of people, the Çlan of the §acred §tar. She looked up and saw a shooting star illuminate the sky. The star fell and fell, eventually landing at her feet. Out of the star stepped a man more handsome then her own father, the king of the gods. Together, they formed the Çlan of the §acred §tar.

The §acred §tar Today

        Today, the decendants of Rose and her lover still populate the mystical Rose Island. The Çlan has been hidden long on the secret island in among the stars. Our current Grand Çommander, Lady Katheine Love Segal, has an especial fondess for the town of Rhydin. That is why she is giving each of you the oportunity to join this exclusive Çlan. So please, join us as children of the §acred §tar.

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