Hey, and welcome to my page! Thanks so much to Aimee, who figured out most of the stuff for me. Recently, my page totally exploded, so I had to rebuild it. So, please be patient with the fixing!
7/16/03 I added two new things that bug me, and I went through the section and deleted some things that either no longer applied or were just stupid. I also added the two emails I received about the He-Man vs. Ken issue for your viewing pleasure. And I'm working on the pictures, I promise.
7/3/03 Wow. I just read through some of the older sections of this site and realized that I wrote them in seventh grade. I began this website about five years ago. And I'm starting to see that it shows. There are so many things that I wrote that are just wrong and stupid and mind-numbingly prepubescent. I'm kind of disgusted with this fact now that I think about it, particularly the unnecessary use of far too many exclamation points in earlier sections. Sadly, I probably won't change the sections for a while. It was kind of funny to read them. Except I think about the random strangers that will wander onto the site, see a sentence that simply says "Haha, I LOVE BOYS!!!", laugh at me, and leave the website. The poor souls will never have a glimpse into the matured seventeen year old mind that would actually say "I love boys." No haha's, no exclamation points, no caps. But then I think that I don't really care anyway, and why am I writing this, I didn't update.
7/2/03 Well, this is interesting. I haven't touched the page since March. Clearly unacceptable. I've been hearing about it too (ahem, Colby and Leah...) I've decided to do some stuff, we'll see how far I can go. Now I have two jobs, which is taking up some time, but it's worth it because I'm so poor. I have a ton of pictures to put up, some new He-Man vs. Ken opinions, and all those pages that are in various stages of being completed. I'd also like to learn some more HTML so it doesn't look so primitive, perhaps revamp if I find the time. We'll see how it goes. For now, I've just moved the old updates.
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Ok, I just got a NEW counter because I lost the old one in my page crash and then my newer one got terminated!! Oh well, good riddance!
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What's Wrong With John Terkovich!
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Look at some lovely pictures of Joshua Jackson!
And who could forget my favorite movie, Newsies!!!!
And if you seriously must, my old updates.
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Here are some really cool websites, so check them out!
My best buddy Abbey's website. I love it!
My friend Joanna's website. It's really, really cool!
Bored.com is really fun, and it has a bunch of other links
Adam Sandler.com what more can I say?
Seventeen.com If you like the magazine, you'll like the site!
Emode.com They have like a million quizzes and stuff to take, it rocks!
Check this out! I won an award!
Another award? Amazing!
ANOTHER award?? You must be kidding! I feel the love!
Now this is just crazy! But this is the last one, I swear!
Here's my inner child. What's yours?
I'm 48% slut. That's 2% above the national average, you know!
I'm 43% bitch. How exciting is that?
I'm a Martini, discover your ALcoHoLiC personality!
Well, I hope you enjoyed my site. Thank you, and come again!