1912 A youth of 17 years,
Samuel Blunt de Burgh Edwardes, and three of his friends started
Scouting at Curepipe,
a town in the centre of the island.
1913 The first local Committee was formed having
Sir Robert Chancellor - the Governor - as Patron and Chief Scout
1914 A Scout saved the life of a man. Scouts
helped to fight a fire at Curepipe. The first World War broke out
and Scouts helped to raise funds for the war.
1919 Outbreak of Spanish influenza, help from
Scouts was greatly appreciated
1921 The Medal of Merit was awarded to de Burgh
Edwardes who left for England to study Law.
· Captain Fortescue Brickdale who had been Scoutmaster and
Assistant District Commissioner in the East of London took over
the Troop.
1922 The first Troop which took the name of the
1st Mauritius Troop, was sixty strong.
1932 Bob Schilling started the 2nd Mauritius
Scout Troop, an open Christian troop, made up of boys from the
franco-mauritian and British communities;
1936 Robert Margéot and Revd. Father Philippe
Rivalland started the 3rd Mauritius Troop at Quatre Bornes. Guy
de la Hogue was the Assistant Scoutmaster. The Troop was a closed
Roman Catholic one and admitted only boys of the Franco-mauritian
community. The three Troops comprised the Mauritius Boy Scouts
Association with Captain Brickdale as Chairman.
· Rev. Alan Rogers, Chaplain at St. Paul’s, Vacoas who had
some previous Scouting experience started the first Rover Crew
and first Troop of the Mauritius Diocesan Boy Scouts Association
at Vacoas which was open to all Anglicans regardless of race.
1937 Father Van Kesteren launched the 1st St.
Louis Scout Troop at Curepipe and was their chaplain for many
years. Maxime Rapoojee and Jean Gellé were the first Scouters.
The Saint Louis Groups catered for Roman Catholic boys regardles
of race.
1938 The first non-Christian Troop, the 1st Tamil Scout
Troop was started at Port Louis by K. Descan and K. Aurmoogum.
· The Second World War broke out and several Scouts joined the
Air Raid Precaution Services, the Army and the Pioneer Corps.
1939 The 1st Muslim Scout Troop was started by
Cader Raman, Haroun Nahaboo and Osman Nazroo at Port Louis.
1945 Scouts took part in the big Victory Parade
at Champs de Mars on V-J day. They lighted bonfires on the
various mountains to celebrate the end of the war.
· Scouts helped the refugees of the 1945 cyclone.
1946 Shantilal DHANJEE started the 1st Hindu
Scout Troop at Rose Hill.
1947 A contingent of all "Local
Associations" under the leadership of Raymond Margéot
attended the 6th. World Jamboree of Peace at Moisson, France.
1954 First National Training Course for Scouters
was held at Cap Malheureux and run by Travelling Commisssioner H.
Dahl assisted by Haroun Nahaboo. The course was attended by 51
leaders and lasted four days.
1955 All thirteen Saint Louis Groups and the
three Groups of the "Mauritius Boy Scouts Association",
at the request of Monsignor Jean Margeot, form the Mauritius
Roman Catholic Boy Scout Association.
1958 Ian Smith appointed as Island Commissioner.
1961 The Training team composed of Wood Badge
Holders trained at Gilwell (England):
Guy Tadebois (Deputy Cam Chief), Yves Candasamy (Assistant Deputy
Camp Chief) and Mrs Thérèse Tadebois, Akela Leader.
· The first Scout Job Week instituted.
1962 Nine picked Scouters led by Guy Tadebois
attended a training the Team Course in Kenya conducted by the
Camp Chief of Gilwell Park - John Thurman.
The 50th Anniversary of the local branch of the (UK) Boy Scout
Association was celebrated. The highlights were:- short daily
programmes on the radio for over a week; Jubilee Rally at Cham de
Mars attended by 2500 Scouts and 450 Girl Guides, the Freedom of
the Town of Port Louis was granted to all Scouts of the
Association; Exhibition of works and Patrol Projects at St
Mary’s College, Rose Hill; Jubillee Camp Fire at Rose-Hill
· The first meeting of the"Scouts de l’Ocean
Indien" was held at Madagascar and was attended by a few
A Scout Troop of the 1950's going to Camp |
1964 - 1998
1964 There were 3194 Scouts
including 374 Scouters in 85 Groups in Mauritius.
1965 Visit of Olave, Lady Baden Powell, World
Chief Guide and Vice President of the World Scout Association
1966 First National
Scouters’ Dinner at St Mary’s College, Rose Hill. The
Second Wood Badge Course for Cubmasters was held at Rose Hill and
the Second Wood Badge Course for Scoutmasters at Le Reduit
· The Gilt Cross was awarded to Scouter Raymond Roussety for
saving the life of one of his friends from drowning.
1967 Official handing-over of a plot of land by
"Trianon Estates Ltd" at a Rally held at Trianon for
the establishment of a headquarters of the local branch to be
named the Baden Powell House.
1968 De Burgh Edwards, 73 years old, Founder of
the local branch, passed away on 11th June at Curepipe.
· Sir Leonard Williams the new Governor General appointed Chief
Scout of the local branch.
· To ensure that Scouting serve the needs of independent
Mauritius, the Advance Party No.1 to look into the Structure,
Constitution and Advance Party No. 2 to look into Scouting in the
Field were appointed under the Chairmanship of Mr. Regis Valadon.
1970 Yves Candasamy is appointed as Chief
· The 1st All Mauritius Jamboree was organised at Wolmar from
17th to 24th August
1971 The new Constitution adopted on 9th June
which made the Mauritian Branch of The Scout Association (UK)
become The Mauritius Scout Association at Le Réduit, under the
chairmanship of the Local Chief Scout, His Excellency the
Governor General.
· The Governor General was appointed Patron, Mr Ian Smith, Chief
Scout, Mr. Regis Valadon, President and Yves Candasamy, Chief
· The Mauritius Scout Association was admitted as full member at
the World Conference of the World Scout Association held on 12
August in Tokyo, Japan
1974 The Second National Jamboree was held at
Belle Mare at belle Mare in August. Some 500 local scouts
attended. The Scout Association of UK was represented by 30
Scouts from HMS Mauritius.
· Mike Jangeer Khan was appointed as International Commissioner.
Scouting launched in Agalega.
1975 Scouts rescued persons from flooded houses
and conducted operations in water 4 feet deep during cyclone
· The first Annual General Meeting of the independent
Association was held on 24 April. Alain Godard, Training
Commissioner, represented Mauritius at the 25th World Scout
Conference in Copenhagen from 8 to 15 August.
1976 The Association was approved by the
Ministry of Finance as a charitable institution. The Mauritius
Scout Act No. 37 legally incorporated the organisation.
1978 Shantilal Dhanjee was appointed as Chief
Scout on 1st April succeeding Ian Smith OBE.
· The 3rd National Jamboree was held at Le Morne from 24 to 31
July with collaboration of the Minister of Youth and Sports
· Mr Ben SHOTADE, Executive Commissioner of the Africa Region of
the World Bureau visited Mauritius from 27th to 5th August.
· A National Fancy Fair was organised at Guy Rozement Stadium on
the 17th December to raise funds for the Baden Powell House.
1979 The Mauritius Scout Band was launched under
the leadership of Percy Appadoo, Bandmaster
· The first Conference of the Africa Zone (Zone E) was held at
Antanarivo on the 23rd April. Alain Godard and Amin Osman
represented Mauritius.
1980 His Excellency the Governor General, Sir
Drayendranath Burrenchobay KEB, CMG, CVO, Patron of the
Association, laid the foundation stone of the Baden Powell House
on Saturday 23rd February on the traditional Founder’s Day
· Mr Philippe Pijeolet, Director of Training at the World Scout
Bureau, paid us a visit in April during which he advised the
Training Commissioner on the first Assistant Leader Trainer
Course which was conducted during his stay at Centre
Cathechetique, Montmartre hall.
· An international seminar on Community Development was held for
the first time at Pointe Jérome, Mahebourg, under the direction
of Aimé Nanette, Community Development Commissioner. 30 scouters
from Mauritius, Malagasy and Seychelles participated. The staff
consisted of Serge Philogene, Raoul Tusamba and Abdoulaye Sar
from the WSB.
1981 The Baden Powell House was opened by the Patron of
the Association, His Excellency Sir Da Burrenchobay and the Prime
Minister Sir S. Ramgoolam
· The first mauritian batch of Assistant Leader Trainers was
appointed: Aime Nanette, Percy Appadoo, Meryem Rose, Cyril Rose,
Ben Joseph, Lisette Andon, Allan Honfat, Luce Aheng, Marie Claude
Lesourd, Lucrèce Jacquette, Clara Rajiah, Farouk Hossenally,
Gisele Savournaden, Robert Bastien
· Yves Candasamy, Chief Commissioner, was elected as a member of
the Africa Regional Committee
· Alain Godard, Training Commissioner, is elected Chairman of
the Africa Regional Training Committee
1982 The first Leader Trainer Course was run at
the Baden-Powell House and conducted by Alain Godard, Training
Commissioner. Four Malagasy Scouters participated.
· The 4th National Jamboree was held at Mont Choisy from 9 to 16
August. Some 1500 Scouts participated. Among them were 8 scouts
from Rodrigues and seven from Libya. Radio Amamteur Operation was
launched with the participation of five Radio Amateurs from the
Mauritius Amateur Radio Society.
· On the 28th August the first meeting of the friends of Baden
Powell Scouts was held.
1984 An Assistant Leader Trainer Course attended
by 19 commissioners and leaders, took place at the BP House from
6to 11 April under the direction of Serge URANIE, Training
Commissioner. Mr Philippe PIJEOLET Director of Training, WSB and
Mr Kiraithe NYAGA, Africa Regional Commissioner joined the staff
which consisted of Thérèse Tadebois, Alain Godard and Amin
· The Community Development Section produced for the first time
a monthly newspaper called Le Trianon under the responsibility of
Jos Nanette. The secretary was Marie Claude Lesourd. This
newsletter eventually replaced the Monthly Newsbulletin of the
1987 The first edition of the Policy,
Organisation and Rules (P.O.R.) of the Mauritius Scout
Association is published. The Association is re-organised.
· Mr Yves Cundasamy resigns as Chief Commissioner. He is
replaced by Mr. Mike Jangeerkhan
· The 5th National Jambore was held at Wolmar under the
leadership of Cyril Rose. Some 300 scouts participated
1988 A national Youth Forum is organised for the
first time from 25 to 27 November under the responsibilty of Jos
Nanette, ADC Programme and using the same methods as a World
Youth Forum. The elected Chairman of the Steering Committee was
Olivier Bourquin from St Antoine Scout Troop.
· Mike Jangeerkhan represented our Association at the 31st World
Scout Conference from 11 to 15 January in Melbourne, Australia.
1989 A seminar on the revision Youth Programme
of the Association is held from 13 to 15 January under the
leadership of Thérèse Tadebois, National Programme
Commissioner. She is assisted by Mr. Abdoulaye Sene, Africa
Regional Commissioner for Youth Programme.
1990 Mr Aimé Nanette, National Community
Development Commissioner, represents our country at the 32nd
World Scout Conference 23 to 27 July 1990 in Paris, France.
1991 The 6th National Jamboree was held was held
at Belle Mare from 5 to 12 August. Around 1500 youth
participated. Cub Scouts were permitted for the first time to
camp in their Group’s Sub -Camp for the week-end.
· The Association held, for the first time, a
Jamboree-On-the-Air (JOTA) National Camp at the Baden Powell
House on the 19 and 20 October with Jos Nanette acting as
Co-ordinator. 117 Scouts participated. Messrs Roddy Prayag and
Guy Martin, Radio Amateurs, actively contributed in the overall
success of the activity.
1992 100 Scouts and leaders represented
Mauritius in the 1er Jamboree de l’Ocean Indien at Réunion
Island organsied by Scouts de France.
· The second JOTA Camp was held at Pointe aux Biches from 17 to
18 October. Michael Jean Pierre was the JOTA Organiser. 100
scouts participated.
1993 Ismail BAWAMIA represents Mauritius in the
33rd World Scout Conference in Bangkok , Thailand
· A 100% mauritian Youth Programme Handbook of the Mauritius
Scout Association is published for the first time under the
responsibility of Ismail Bawamia, Programme Commissioner and with
financial assistance from the Africa Regional Office of the World
Scout Bureau.
· The Mauritius Scout Council decides to accept in September
female youth members in the organisation. Earlier, only adult
female members could join as section leaders and specially in the
Cub Section.
1994 Mr Aime Nanette is appointed as Chief
Commissioner of the Mauritius Scout Association. The Executive
Committee of the Association is renewed and new national
commissioners appointed.
· The first edition of Le Trianon Magazine is published in the
occasion of the Founders Day Rally.
· Three Regional workshops are run on Strategy for Scouting.
1995 The 7th National Jamboree takes place from
the 7 to 14 August at Belle Mare. 1800 Scouts participated. For
the first time, a FM Radio Station was operated, a daily Jamboree
newspaper published, an international exhibitions corner set-up
and Global Development Village activities proposed to
· A national workshop is run for the first time on Strategy for
Scouting. A 5-Year Development Plan is prepared. The creation of
two new national Commissions were recommended: Adult
Resources Development and Growth and Planning.
· A patrol of 8 scouts participated in the 18th World Scout
Jamboree from 1 to 11 August at Dronten, Netherlands. 7 scouts
were members of the same troop, the 1st Lower P/Wilhems Scout
Group and managed to raise their own funds to participate. The
theme of the Jamboree was Future is Now
1996 An Assistant Leader Trainer Course is run
for the first time with 100% mauritian staff. Serge Uranie was
the Course Director. 2 participants from Seychelles and one from
Rodrigues atended.
· Ismail Bawamia and Jos Nanette represented the Association at
the 34th World Scout Conference from 8 to 12 July 1996.
1997 The Silver Jubilee of the Association was
celebrated at the Baden Powell House at the Founder’s Day
Rally, in the presence of the Patron of the Association and
President of the Republic, Mr Cassam UTEEM and many guests and
supporters of the Movement.
· The 1st National Cuboree is organised at Mon Choisy under the
leadership of Mariette Ha Seng from 30th July to 4th August. 600
Cubs participated.
· The 1st National Leaders Forum is organised under the
leadership of Jos Nanette with special support of Mr Kiraithe
NYAGA who made a special trip. 83 delegated Leaders participated.
The theme was: Scouting for Whom, Scouting for What
and the Use of a National Scout Organisation.
1998 The Constitution of the Mauritius Scout
Association is amended by the Mauritius Scout Council on 17
January for the first time after 27 years with approval of the
World Scout Committee on 15 May.
· Shantilal Dhanjee retires on the 1st April after 20 years as
Chief Scout. He is replaced by Mike Jangeer Khan. Percy Appadoo
is appointed as Chief Commissioner.
- The team of Commissioners is re-schuffled. New commissioners
are appointed.
- There are 3121 members in the Association. 854 Cub Scouts, 1265 Scouts, 388 Venture Scouts, 31 Rover Scouts and 558 Volunteer Scouters, Commissioners, Trainers, etc.