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The N.I.R.E. Welcomes You!

P.O. Box T Hewitt, NJ 07421 USA
Telephone (973) 853-6585 or (800) 736-2216


The N.I.R.E. was founded in June 1967 by retired technical staff from the telephone and other industries. The purpose of the N.I.R.E., as an IRS section 501(c)3 charitable organization, is " ... to use today's technology to help people with disabilities to be more independent and self-sufficient in their everyday lives."

Information about the N.I.R.E.

The N.I.R.E. gives personalized attention to people with disabilities. We welcome toll-free calls for information, counseling and referrals. From New Jersey, dial (973) 853-6585. From New York, dial (845) 986-6557. From other states, dial (800) 736-2216.

The N.I.R.E. assists people of ALL AGES with ALL TYPES OF DISABILITIES including but not limited to vision, speech, hearing, hand dexterity, and mobility impairments. N.I.R.E. has been very effective in helping people with multiple disabilities.

The organization is not government supported ... it is dependent on the receipt of individual donations, grants and member dues for operating funds. Staff members are fully qualified, regularly scheduled volunteers who serve without pay.


(1) Please telephone, e-mail or write us concerning the needs of any person, of any age, whom we might assist with disability needs.

(2) Contact us if you are interested in volunteering your own services on a regular, recurring part-time basis.

(3) Contact us if you are interested in contributing money and/or goods to further our work for people with disabilities. (Computers and software are badly needed items).

(4) Contact us if you know of groups interested in having a speaker from our organization.

Some N.I.R.E. Services

Low-Cost Computer Accessories for VISUALLY and/or COGNITIVELY IMPAIRED ... including Screen Magnifiers, Large-Bold Keycaps and Speech-Output Software.

Portable Computer Utilities on Floppy Disk ... for people with disabilities, to use on any computers, anywhere, including ... PORTABLE SCREEN MAGNIFIER utility for VISUALLY and/or COGNITIVELY IMPAIRED ... and Sticky-Keys, Word-Predictive Word Processing utility for DEXTERITY IMPAIRED. These portable utility disks enable individuals to use computers anywhere they happen to be including other people's or employer's computers so long as they run some version of Microsoft Windows. The utility disks do not affect anything on the computer or network and cannot spread viruses.

HEARING AID information and/or referrals to affordable dispensers.

ELECTRONIC SPEECH CLARIFIERS AND AMPLIFIERS and SPEECH SYNTHESIZERS for speech impaired and non-vocal people ... for in-person and over-the-phone communications.

LOW-VISION AIDS, optical and electronic, with on-site assessments and user training in homes, schools and places of employment.

ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION and on-site assessments for people with mobility limitations.

EDUCATION, CAREER-PLANNING and EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE for people of all ages having all types and combinations of disabilities.

ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY information and SUPPORT SERVICES to Schools, Employers and Disability Service-Providers.

ADA COMPLIANCE Information and Support Services for people with all types and combinations of disabling conditions.

Meet Some of Our Staff


